项目作者: dsaw

项目描述 :
Plays board games using Minimax algorithm
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/dsaw/perfect_game_player.git
创建时间: 2018-06-08T17:01:09Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Perfect Game Player

Predicts best move in board games using minimax algorithm.

Build Status

It will generate the best next move to the given board position. Minimax tree algorithm is used to choose the best move at each turn. It can be used as a library for your board game needs. You just have to create a new file for that game and subclass the main classes.


I have tested this on tic tac toe game, which is simple enough for brute force minimax. A Connect 4 implementation is given too.

Function Time
Brute Force Minimax 1m 2s
Depth Limited Minimax 1s 750ms
Alpha Beta pruning 24s 937ms

Of course, the variants give approximate solutions. Two heuristics were tried out but I ended up sticking to the one which scored positions of the grid.


Clone the git repo.

  1. git clone https://github.com/dsaw/perfect-game-player.git

Go to the directory and install it the standard way

  1. python setup.py install

Or installing locally is fine (needs pip)

  1. pip install .

Usage example

The minimax tree can be used for testing and learning purposes.
It is abstract in itself, so to use it in a game a separate solver needs to be written.
Currently, we have connect4 and tictactoe as wrappers for this.

  1. from pgameplayer.minimax_tree import *
  2. from pgameplayer.solvers import *
  3. start_board = tictactoe.TicTacToeNode([['.','.','.'],['.','.','.'],['.','.','.']])
  4. ret = minimax(start_board,True) # True if first player moves

The above is the brute force minimax.
There is a depth limited version which takes the depth till which the best move will be calculated

  1. ret = depth_limited_minimax(start_board,3,True) # depth is 3

Another version is alpha beta pruning where unnecessary branches whose
win’ value is outside the range are pruned.

  1. ret = alpha_beta_pruning_minimax(start_board,NINF,PINF,True) # alpha is negative infinity & beta is positive infinity

The minimax functions returns a tuple containing the best next board position and the position value.

  1. print(ret[0]) # [['.','.','.'],['.','x','.'],['.','.','.']]
  2. print(ret[1]) # Tic tac toe is a draw given perfect play

To make use of minimax on a game, your code needs to subclass Node and implement its functions.
Take a look at the code for details.


Unit tests can be run with
python setup.py test


  • Add different games to run on i.e. Gomoku, Nim
  • Method to visualise algorithm on XO
  • Interactive Human v Bot game.
  • Or any other ideas of your own.


Devesh – @WhoSawDeveshdevesh47cool@gmail.com

Distributed under the GNU GPL v3.0 license. See LICENSE for more information.
