项目作者: matheusicaro

项目描述 :
This is a Watson Assistant Workspace Chatbot that was built as a Boilerplate to initial or ongoing projects, which allows the user to evaluate responses delivered to the bot and collect user feedback.
项目地址: git://github.com/matheusicaro/template-watson-assistant-conversation-evaluation.git

Article: Chatbot in production? Generate report for evaluation of responses in Watson Assistant




For this article, I show how is possible to build reports for evaluation of responses in Watson Assistant, which allows the business sector to analyze the ChatBot user’s feedback automatically.

  • @matheusicaro/chatbot-in-production-response-report-evaluation-part-1-1e17dc35f0ea">Chatbot in production? Generate report for evaluation of responses in Watson Assistant — Part 1
  • @matheusicaro/chatbot-in-production-generate-report-for-evaluation-of-responses-in-watson-assistant-part-2-b4ed26b2699e">Chatbot in production? Generate report for evaluation of responses in Watson Assistant — Part 2


Thus it is possible to generate reports for analysis of interactions.

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