项目作者: kevinricar24
项目描述 :
ASP.NET Core Application to manage and view post and comments
高级语言: C#
项目地址: git://github.com/kevinricar24/BlogEngine.git
- netcoreapp3.0
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design Version=”3.0.0”
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer Version=”3.0.0”
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools Version=”3.0.0”
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore Version=”3.0.0”
- Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug Version=”3.0.0”
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design Version=”3.0.0”
ASP.NET Core Web Application
- BlogEngine.Database
- BlogEngine.BusinessLogic
- BlogEngine.DataAccessLayer
- BlogEngine.Web
Steps to run the Application
1) Execute the script BlogEngineSchemaData.sql located in BlogEngine.Database\Script
2) Execute the project BlogEngine.Web (please Set as StartUp Project )
3) to create posts use the Writer user
- Go to Login and use this credentials (user and password) : userwriter
- Create posts in draft status or sent to publish
4) to approve posts use the Editor user - Go to Login and use this credentials (user and password) : usereditor
- Publish the posts pending to approve
5) Go to Home Page to view all posts published
6) Entry in the detail of each post in the link “Continue Reading”
7) Add Comment in the post