Configurable time-aware dashboard with ArcGIS JS API and amCharts JS Charts.
aka Easy way to create map-based time-aware dashboard for “lightweight” coders
E-mail: dashmapboard[at]gmail[dot]com
Our project goal is to create a configurable time-aware dashboard using ArcGIS JS API and amCharts JS Charts.
If you’re new with this whole programming stuff, you only have to change some parameters in config.json with which the “Configuration guide“ will help.
If you like to dive into codes you can also alter HTML, CSS and JS files as well to create a custom dashboard with map.
You will need at least one time-aware ESRI MapService. You can find several guides and tutorials on the internet or you can follow our MapService Creation Guide [COMING SOON].
When you’ve created or found at least one time-aware service you’re ready to change the configuration file (config.json) following our Configuration Guide.
But first you may want to check our sample webapp config.json and change some of the configurations. Don’t rush, change only one at a time and check what does it do exactly! When you feel comfortable with the sample, create your own service(s) and build the configuration file from scratch!