项目作者: xp-framework

项目描述 :
Compiles future PHP to today's PHP.
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/xp-framework/compiler.git
创建时间: 2017-10-10T18:56:58Z



XP Compiler

Build status on GitHub
XP Framework Module
BSD Licence
Requires PHP 7.4+
Supports PHP 8.0+
Latest Stable Version

Compiles future PHP to today’s PHP.


After adding the compiler to your project via composer require xp-framework/compiler, it will hook into the class loading chain and compile .php-files on-demand. This keeps the efficient code-save-reload/rerun development process typical for PHP.


The following code uses Hack language, PHP 8.4, PHP 8.3, PHP 8.2, 8.1 and 8.0 features but runs on anything >= PHP 7.4. Builtin features from newer PHP versions are translated to work with the currently executing runtime if necessary.

  1. <?php // In a file "HelloWorld.php"
  2. use lang\Reflection;
  3. use util\Date;
  4. use util\cmd\Console;
  5. #[Author('Timm Friebe')]
  6. #[Permissions(0o777)]
  7. class HelloWorld {
  8. private const string GREETING= 'Hello';
  9. public static function main(array<string> $args): void {
  10. $greet= fn($to, $from) => self::GREETING.' '.$to.' from '.$from;
  11. $author= Reflection::type(self::class)->annotation(Author::class)->argument(0);
  12. Console::writeLine(new Date()->toString(), ': ', $greet($args[0] ?? 'World', from: $author));
  13. }
  14. }

To run this code, use xp -m /path/to/xp/reflection HelloWorld in a terminal window.


Compilation can also be performed explicitely by invoking the compiler:

  1. # Compile code and write result to a class file
  2. $ xp compile HelloWorld.php HelloWorld.class.php
  3. # Compile standard input and write to standard output.
  4. $ echo "<?php ..." | xp compile -
  5. # Compile src/main/php and src/test/php to the dist folder.
  6. $ xp compile -o dist src/main/php/ src/test/php/
  7. # Compile src/main/php to the dist.xar archive
  8. $ xp compile -o dist.xar src/main/php/
  9. # Compile src/main/php, do not write output
  10. $ xp compile -n src/main/php/
  11. # Target PHP 7.4 (default target is current PHP version)
  12. $ xp compile -t php:7.4 HelloWorld.php HelloWorld.class.php
  13. # Emit XP meta information (includes lang.ast.emit.php.XpMeta):
  14. $ xp compile -t php:7.4 -a php:xp-meta -o dist src/main/php

The -o and -n options accept multiple input sources following them.
The -q option suppresses all diagnostic output except for errors.

Features supported

XP Compiler supports features such as annotations, arrow functions, enums, property type-hints, the null-safe instance operator as well as all PHP 7 and PHP 8 syntax additions. A complete list including examples can be found in our Wiki.

More features

Additional syntax like an is operator, generics or record types can be added by installing compiler plugins from here:

  1. $ composer require xp-lang/php-is-operator
  2. # ...
  3. $ xp compile
  4. Usage: xp compile <in> [<out>]
  5. @FileSystemCL<./vendor/xp-framework/compiler/src/main/php>
  6. lang.ast.emit.PHP74
  7. lang.ast.emit.PHP80
  8. lang.ast.emit.PHP81
  9. lang.ast.emit.PHP82
  10. lang.ast.emit.PHP83 [*]
  11. lang.ast.emit.PHP84
  12. lang.ast.syntax.php.Using [*]
  13. @FileSystemCL<./vendor/xp-lang/php-is-operator/src/main/php>
  14. lang.ast.syntax.php.IsOperator

Implementation status

Some features from newer PHP versions as well as Hack language are still missing. The goal, however, is to have all features implemented - with the exception of where Hack’s direction conflicts with PHP! An overview can be seen on this Wiki page.

To contribute, open issues and/or pull requests.

See also