Compiles future PHP to today's PHP.
Compiles future PHP to today’s PHP.
After adding the compiler to your project via composer require xp-framework/compiler
, it will hook into the class loading chain and compile .php
-files on-demand. This keeps the efficient code-save-reload/rerun development process typical for PHP.
The following code uses Hack language, PHP 8.4, PHP 8.3, PHP 8.2, 8.1 and 8.0 features but runs on anything >= PHP 7.4. Builtin features from newer PHP versions are translated to work with the currently executing runtime if necessary.
<?php // In a file "HelloWorld.php"
use lang\Reflection;
use util\Date;
use util\cmd\Console;
#[Author('Timm Friebe')]
class HelloWorld {
private const string GREETING= 'Hello';
public static function main(array<string> $args): void {
$greet= fn($to, $from) => self::GREETING.' '.$to.' from '.$from;
$author= Reflection::type(self::class)->annotation(Author::class)->argument(0);
Console::writeLine(new Date()->toString(), ': ', $greet($args[0] ?? 'World', from: $author));
To run this code, use xp -m /path/to/xp/reflection HelloWorld
in a terminal window.
Compilation can also be performed explicitely by invoking the compiler:
# Compile code and write result to a class file
$ xp compile HelloWorld.php HelloWorld.class.php
# Compile standard input and write to standard output.
$ echo "<?php ..." | xp compile -
# Compile src/main/php and src/test/php to the dist folder.
$ xp compile -o dist src/main/php/ src/test/php/
# Compile src/main/php to the dist.xar archive
$ xp compile -o dist.xar src/main/php/
# Compile src/main/php, do not write output
$ xp compile -n src/main/php/
# Target PHP 7.4 (default target is current PHP version)
$ xp compile -t php:7.4 HelloWorld.php HelloWorld.class.php
# Emit XP meta information (includes lang.ast.emit.php.XpMeta):
$ xp compile -t php:7.4 -a php:xp-meta -o dist src/main/php
The -o and -n options accept multiple input sources following them.
The -q option suppresses all diagnostic output except for errors.
XP Compiler supports features such as annotations, arrow functions, enums, property type-hints, the null-safe instance operator as well as all PHP 7 and PHP 8 syntax additions. A complete list including examples can be found in our Wiki.
Additional syntax like an is
operator, generics or record types can be added by installing compiler plugins from here:
$ composer require xp-lang/php-is-operator
# ...
$ xp compile
Usage: xp compile <in> [<out>]
lang.ast.emit.PHP83 [*]
lang.ast.syntax.php.Using [*]
Some features from newer PHP versions as well as Hack language are still missing. The goal, however, is to have all features implemented - with the exception of where Hack’s direction conflicts with PHP! An overview can be seen on this Wiki page.
To contribute, open issues and/or pull requests.