项目作者: MIPT-ILab

项目描述 :
MIPS programs with MARS system calls
高级语言: Assembly
项目地址: git://github.com/MIPT-ILab/mips-traces.git
创建时间: 2017-06-16T14:00:03Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Build Status

MIPS test traces for MIPT-MIPS Simulator.


Name Description
add.s simplest test for add instruction
bubble_sort.s bubble sort of 20 integers, contains a lot of branches
corner.s ? naughty/corner cases from our debug experience
factorial.s recursive implementation of factorial
fib.s loop implementation of Fibonacci numbers
dc_ic_stress.s a data and instruction memory stress based on random memory access pattern
dc_stress.s a data-only memory stress based on random memory access pattern
move.s just a single move pseudo-instruction
smc.s self-modifying MIPS code, modification is performed ‘in-flight’
static_arrays.s example of a memory-located static array

Torture tests

Torture tests were developed as a part of SPIM S20 MIPS Simulator. SPIM source files are distributed under Free BSD license (see file header). Copyright (c) 1990-2010, James R. Larus. All rights reserved.

We separated tests for MIPS32 and MIPS64 versions, as these architectures have different flow to initialize negative value or all-ones value.

Name Description
tt.core.universal.s Instructions which behave similarly in MIPS32 and MIPS64
tt.core32.s Tests MIPS32-specific instruction behavior
tt.core32.le.s Tests MIPS32-specific and little-endian instruction behavior
tt.core64.s MIPS64-specific version of tests
tt.core64.le.s Tests MIPS64-specific and little-endian instruction behavior

Getting Started

GNU binutils for MIPS should be installed and have the following shortcuts:

  1. mips-linux-gnu-as is an assembler for MIPS ISA
  2. mips-linux-gnu-ld is a linker for MIPS object files
  3. mips-linux-gnu-objdump dumps content of MIPS binary files (also disassembles instructions)

MIPT-MIPS wiki has an instruction how to get and build MIPS binutils: https://github.com/MIPT-ILab/mipt-mips/wiki/MIPS-binutils

Additionally, you may look inside get-binutils.sh script. The script is used to install GNU Binutils on CI hostings.

Building a Trace

Use make command to build all the traces or make tracename.out to build one trace. You may specify local mips-linux-gnu-as and mips-linux-gnu-ld binaries with MIPS_AS= and MIPS_LD= Make variables.

In order to create MIPS binary file manually do the following steps:

  1. create a file with assember code using and text editor
  2. save it as <test name>.s
  3. generate an object file: mips-linux-gnu-as <test name>.s -o <test name>.o
  4. convert the object file into the binary file: mips-linux-gnu-ld <test name>.o -o <test name>.out
  5. (optionally) look the content of .out using (pay attention only to .text section): mips-linux-gnu-objdump -D <test name>.out