Fast generator of chess openings book with support for Arena's book format (ABK).
This is the simple tool to generate ABK (Arena’s book format) files using a collection of games saved in the single PGN file. There are several sources of PGN files, my favorite one is It takes about 30 minutes to parse 190 GB file on normal HDD.
Program has been written in C# for .NET Core 3 platform. It uses CommandLineParser (to parse parameters) and ShellProgressBar.
-i, --input Required. PGN input file to process.
-o, --output Required. ABK output file.
-p, --plies (Default: 2147483647) Maximal number of plies to parse.
-e, --elo Minimal average ELO of players to parse the game.
-t, --time Minimal initial game time (in minutes) to parse the game.
-m, --multithreading Enable support for multithreading.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
Input: PGN2ABK.exe -i .\lichess_db_standard_rated_2013-01.pgn -o .\generated.abk -p 20 -t 15 -m