项目作者: Tearth

项目描述 :
Fast generator of chess openings book with support for Arena's book format (ABK).
高级语言: C#
项目地址: git://github.com/Tearth/PGN2ABK.git
创建时间: 2020-06-19T20:52:10Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0



This is the simple tool to generate ABK (Arena’s book format) files using a collection of games saved in the single PGN file. There are several sources of PGN files, my favorite one is https://database.lichess.org/. It takes about 30 minutes to parse 190 GB file on normal HDD.

Program has been written in C# for .NET Core 3 platform. It uses CommandLineParser (to parse parameters) and ShellProgressBar.


  1. -i, --input Required. PGN input file to process.
  2. -o, --output Required. ABK output file.
  3. -p, --plies (Default: 2147483647) Maximal number of plies to parse.
  4. -e, --elo Minimal average ELO of players to parse the game.
  5. -t, --time Minimal initial game time (in minutes) to parse the game.
  6. -m, --multithreading Enable support for multithreading.
  7. --help Display this help screen.
  8. --version Display version information.


Input: PGN2ABK.exe -i .\lichess_db_standard_rated_2013-01.pgn -o .\generated.abk -p 20 -t 15 -m
