WAI-ARIA patterns.
Design Pattern: Listbox
A listbox widget presents a list of options and allows a user to select one or more of them. A listbox that allows a single option to be chosen is a single-select listbox; one that allows multiple options to be selected is a multi-select listbox.
The listbox role is used to identify an element that creates a list from which a user may select one or more static items, similar to the HTML
element. Unlike<select>
, a listbox can contain images. Each child of a listbox should have a role of option.
We do not call carousels “sliders” so the difference to the slider pattern (selecting a value in a min/max range) is obvious.
Before you continue, please read Tablist widgets (or: tab panels, tabs) to understand why carousels are extended variants of tablists, simply providing additional controls like previous/next buttons, and sometimes autoplay functionality.
Source: Accessibility Developer Guide: Carousels (or: slideshow, slider)
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