a simple project in Arduino that uses the breadboard, the microcontroller, the 7-Segment Display and basic programming
updated 21 April 2022
This is a simple project in Arduino that uses
the breadboard, the Arduino UNO Board,
the 7-Segment Display and basic programming.
Take note, there are several ways to do this
same project but we’ll focus on one.
The Arduino UNO Board is the basic board
for beginners doing projects in Arduino.
As from the previous project, without
a microcontroller, your only control is
through an external switch. And you
are just limited to that.
The microcontroller will enable you to
program electronic components so that you
can build digital devices that you want
to build.
The digital pins are the very first to be
encountered because they can be used by
components in several ways. They will be
connected to the terminals of electronic
components. There are 14 Digital Pins
in Arduino UNO Board.
The GND is the floating ground to complete
the circuit. Remember, in an electrical setup
the earth ground is used extensively. In
electronics, it’s the convenience to use
a floating ground.
The breadboard is your convenience for you to
simply put things in place. Plus,
it provides connections either horizontally
or vertically for further ease. Because
of this, you avoid overlapping wires:
the metal strip at the bottom provides the
To not complicate things, we just use one 7-Segment
Display for the output. Remember, computer monitors’
concept of display is the same: the dot-and-no-dot
pattern to create a display, whether an image
or letter or numbers. You can do the same thing
by using LEDs to serve as pixels.
But here in our project, we want to use the 7-Segment
Display as an upgrade from the basic LEDs. It’s called
7-Segment Display because there are seven segments of
LEDs, forming the number 8 unlighted.
The 7-Segment Display will either use cathode
. Make sure you got it right. It depends on
your circuit design.
There are just two default functions in Arduino:void setup
and void loop
void setup
is where you tell the Arduino board about
the common setup just like whether a digital pin will
be used as output or input.
void loop
is where the Arduino board executes
all the commands you put there just likedigitalWrite
whether high or low. HIGH
there is a voltage supplied just like turning
it on through an external switch and LOW
there is no voltage supplied or there is but is
too low. Voltage that is not
sufficient will still be just like no voltage at all.
Using the TinkerCAD,
here are the steps to create the project:
Make sure that you change the
7-Segment Display common terminal tocathode
Follow the proper wiring:
|Arduino Pin|Segment Pin|
Close the circuit by the GND. Use a resistor
that is exactly 200 ohms (left resistor
when facing the screen) and 100 ohms for
the other one.
Copy paste the program below:
unsigned const int A = 13;
unsigned const int B = 12;
unsigned const int C = 11;
unsigned const int D = 10;
unsigned const int E = 9;
unsigned const int F = 8;
unsigned const int G = 7;
unsigned const int H = 6;
void setup(void)
pinMode(A, OUTPUT);
pinMode(B, OUTPUT);
pinMode(C, OUTPUT);
pinMode(D, OUTPUT);
pinMode(E, OUTPUT);
pinMode(F, OUTPUT);
pinMode(G, OUTPUT);
pinMode(H, OUTPUT);
//functions to display
//the numbers
void displayZero(void) {
digitalWrite(A, LOW);
digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
digitalWrite(E, HIGH);
digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
digitalWrite(H, LOW);
void displayOne(void) {
digitalWrite(A, LOW);
digitalWrite(B, LOW);
digitalWrite(C, LOW);
digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
digitalWrite(E, LOW);
digitalWrite(F, LOW);
digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
digitalWrite(H, LOW);
void displayTwo(void) {
digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
digitalWrite(B, LOW);
digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
digitalWrite(E, HIGH);
digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
digitalWrite(G, LOW);
digitalWrite(H, LOW);
void displayThree(void) {
digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
digitalWrite(B, LOW);
digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
digitalWrite(E, LOW);
digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
digitalWrite(H, LOW);
void displayFour(void) {
digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
digitalWrite(C, LOW);
digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
digitalWrite(E, LOW);
digitalWrite(F, LOW);
digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
digitalWrite(H, LOW);
void displayFive(void) {
digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
digitalWrite(D, LOW);
digitalWrite(E, LOW);
digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
digitalWrite(H, LOW);
void displaySix(void) {
digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
digitalWrite(D, LOW);
digitalWrite(E, HIGH);
digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
digitalWrite(H, LOW);
void displaySeven(void) {
digitalWrite(A, LOW);
digitalWrite(B, LOW);
digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
digitalWrite(E, LOW);
digitalWrite(F, LOW);
digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
digitalWrite(H, LOW);
void displayEight(void) {
digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
digitalWrite(E, HIGH);
digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
digitalWrite(H, LOW);
void displayNine(void) {
digitalWrite(A, HIGH);
digitalWrite(B, HIGH);
digitalWrite(C, HIGH);
digitalWrite(D, HIGH);
digitalWrite(E, LOW);
digitalWrite(F, HIGH);
digitalWrite(G, HIGH);
digitalWrite(H, LOW);
//execute the codes
//by invoking the functions
void loop(void)
The code will simply have the countdown
but the individual function for a certain
number can be used several times for your
own version. Simply invoke the function
inside the `void loop`.
Of course, simulate the program!
Final Version: add a border using LEDs
with your own pattern of blinking or
group of LEDs of your own style.
Make the 7-Segment Display
display letters to form words that have
significance to you. There should be
at least 2 words presented and another
two groups of numbers like your birth date,
year you were born, significant date
in your life, lucky numbers for you, etc.
Explain the significance by using comments.
Finally, the actual project is here: