Spring Boot | Mongo DB | Kotlin | Angular JS | Leaflet | Gradle | Custom JS Plugin
Spring Boot | Mongo DB | Kotlin | Angular JS | Leaflet | Custom JS Plugin
Create New Route
POST http://localhost:8080/routes/
"name": "Rota Principal",
"vehicleId": 4,
"routeDate": "2016-12-13",
"stops": [
{ "name": "Inicio", "coordinate": { "lat": -3.784426, "lng": -38.583058 } },
{ "name": "Parada", "coordinate": { "lat": -3.742261, "lng": -38.499705 } },
{ "name": "Final", "coordinate": { "lat": -3.737121, "lng": -38.575313 } }
Get All Routes
GET http://localhost:8080/routes/
Get Route Path/Polyline
GET http://localhost:8080/routes/{routeId}/path
Check run away and nearby point
POST http://localhost:8080/routes/vehicle/{vehicleId}/checkpoint?lat=-3.726636&lng=-38.508690
$ npm start
customize polyline | below example: Customized Profiles default and runned
angular.module('trix.routes').config(['polylineProvider', function (polylineConfig) {
.options('default', {
color: 'blue',
weight: 10
.options('runned', {
color: 'red',
weight: 3
Baseada na arquitetura do Leaflet, Extremamente fácil de mapear com a biblioteca