Ham Radio Emergency Email Server Lite
Winlink Emergency Email Server Lite for Raspberry Pi
Once installed, this code will allow anyone with a wireless device and in range to connect to your raspberry pi and compose an email. Once composed and submitted, the email is moved to your Pat Winlink Outbox where it can be reviewed before being sent over RF using either packet or ARDOP. If you choose to allow replies back into the system, you will be able to post those replies to a webpage where the end user can search/view their replies.
apache web server - Covered in the installation video
php7 - Covered in the installation video
Pat Winlink https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1QTYT4Qo9cY98NFmxrTvtGyWI9pgxtFq
Pi Hotspot https://youtu.be/QZtAOLcY5dY
Progagating Prediction https://youtu.be/jye6JkIPYY0
Finding ARDOP Stations https://youtu.be/Xdp3iovC8ws
If you installed the EES before April 6, 2019 and would like to add a splash screen for your visitors, run each of the commands below.
cd /var/www/html
sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/km4ack/EES-LITE/master/index.php
sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/km4ack/EES-LITE/master/splash.txt
sudo mv index.html index.html.org
If you downloaded on or after April 6, 2019 and would like a splash screen then run each command below.
cd /var/www/html
sudo mv index.html index.html.org
After installing the splash screen, if you want to change the splash screen welcome message, edit splash.txt
sudo nano splash.txt
After installing the splash screen, your visitor will see it when they visit your EES at http://pi-ip-addy
default user - admin
default passwd - admin
User webpage - pi-ip-addy/email.php
Operator webpage - pi-ip-addy/reply-input.php
73, KM4ACK