项目作者: rhwendt

项目描述 :
Arch Linux installer using Ansible
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/rhwendt/archer.git
创建时间: 2020-09-29T02:54:32Z




This playbook tries to make it easier to install arch linux :tada:


Only EFI boot is supported now.

No swap space is partitioned.

Default packages

Here is a list of the default packages if you do not edit them.

  • gdm
  • git
  • gnome
  • google-chrome
  • mumble
  • neovim
  • networkmanager
  • pamac-aur
  • signal-desktop

Note: This is not meant to cover everyone’s use case. If you want to make this better that would be awesome.

Arch ISO settings

:warning: do not forget this step or packages wont install

Hit E at the boot screen and add cow_spacesize=1G at the end of the boot parameters.

Fork the repo

Fork this repo so its easier to edit the variables.

Edit the variables (optional)

Edit the variables in inventory/host_vars/localhost.yml

:warning: I wouldn’t change the pacstrapped variable.

Get the init script from your forked repo.

  1. curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/{YOUR_USERNAME}/archer/master/init.sh > init.sh

Here is a short link incase you dont fork

  1. curl https://git.io/JUFcb > init.sh

Source the script so it runs in the same shell process

  1. source init.sh

Follow the prompts

:warning: Pick the correct drive to install on! I am not responsible for your lost data :warning: