A showcase of testing. Architecture, Pojo, and Mutation testing
Showcase with a minimal spring boot application showing what you can do with a little bit of extra testing
Define coding rules that will support your team to maintain a certain standard of quality architecture. What can you do?
Architecture tests are implemented with https://www.archunit.org
Is your software bug-free if you can reach 100% test coverage? For sure not. Mutation testing is simple. Take your tests as they are, add bugs to the source code, and see if your tests will still be green. This is an excellent way to discover missing test cases even if your code is covered by tests.
gradle pitest
and see a nice html report generated within minutesMutation testing is implemented with https://pitest.org
Do not waste time writing boring and repeating tests. Go one step further and autogenerate simple tests for all of your plain old java objects (pojo).
Automated Pojo testing is implemented with https://github.com/OpenPojo/openpojo and https://jqno.nl/equalsverifier
This showcase was sponsored by my current employer Novatec Consulting GmbH https://www.novatec-gmbh.de/en/