项目作者: bebehei
项目描述 :
Just a small to install arch with the installation-iso
高级语言: Shell
项目地址: git://github.com/bebehei/archinstall.git
a small script to bootstrap archlinux in minutes.
This repository is kept as simple as possible. Fork it, create your own flavour.
My work is licensed under the MIT-License.
The installation procedure
- Download the Archlinux-ISO
- Boot the ISO
wget -O install.sh https://git.io/vvkPT
- Edit
- use your favorite editor
- the values are self-explaining
chmod +x install.sh
- reboot your system
The installed flavor
- mainly default installation-guide, everything parameterized
- partitions (msdos)
- boot-partition: size parametrized, FS parametrized
- root-partition: size parametrized, FS parametrized
- network
- systemd-networkd (auto-generated file with manual edit)
- systemd-resolved
- sshd enabled