项目作者: mjablons1

项目描述 :
Several basic controller classes for serial hardware such as DMMs (Digital Multimters) and PSUs (Power Supplies).
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/mjablons1/serial-controllers.git
创建时间: 2020-10-15T18:50:56Z

开源协议:MIT License



Several basic controller classes for serial hardware such as DMMs (Digital Multimters) and PSUs (Power Supplies).


The controller classes support only the most basic and routinely used functionality such as get_input (returns current reading), and set_output (configures output limits on PSUs):

Example DMM use

  1. from serial_controllers import AgilentU12xxxDmm
  2. dmm = AgilentU12xxxDmm('COM9') #<-- Remember to change the port
  3. ## Not sure which port name to type in?
  4. ## Try this script! -> https://github.com/mjablons1/scpi-hw-discovery
  5. dmm.initialize()
  6. primary_reading, primary_unit = dmm.get_input(1)
  7. secondary_reading, secondary_unit = dmm.get_input(2)
  8. print(f' CH1_READING:{primary_reading} {primary_unit}\n CH2_READING:{secondary_reading} {secondary_unit}\n')
  9. dmm.finalize() # releases serial resource

Example PSU use

  1. from serial_controllers import Tti2ChPsu
  2. from time import sleep
  3. psu = Tti2ChPsu('COM10') #<-- Remember to change the port
  4. ## Not sure which port name to type in?
  5. ## Try this script! -> https://github.com/mjablons1/scpi-hw-discovery
  6. psu.initialize()
  7. psu.set_output(1, voltage=1.2, current=0.01)
  8. psu.set_output(2, voltage=2.2, current=0.02)
  9. psu.engage_output((1, 2)) # engages output on channel 1 and 2 after user approval
  10. sleep(2)
  11. psu.disengage_output(1) # disengages only output 1 (output 2 remains engaged)
  12. sleep(2)
  13. psu.engage_output(2, seek_permission=False) # after this only channel 2 will be engaged and without user approval!
  14. sleep(2)
  15. volts, v_unit, current, i_unit = psu.get_input(2)
  16. print(f'Reading:{volts}{v_unit} and {current}{i_unit}\n')
  17. psu.set_output(2, voltage=3, current=0.03) # WARNING!: You can manipulate levels on engaged output.
  18. psu.disengage_output() # this immediately shuts down all engaged channels simultaneously
  19. psu.finalize() # releases serial resource

Currently supported devices

NOTE: Some versions of below devices may require adjustments due to inconsistencies in the protocols.

Multimeters (DMMs):

Brand Model serial-controllers supporting class Verified with Comments
Keysight / Agilent U12xxx AgilentU12xxxDmm Keysight U1253B
Fluke 28x Fluke28xDmm Fluke 289

Power Supplies (PSUs):

Brand Model serial-controllers supporting class Verified with Comments
TTI CPX400DP Tti2ChPsu *
TTI CPX400SP Tti1ChPsu
TTI PL155-P(G) Tti1ChPsu *
TTI PL068-P(G) Tti1ChPsu
TTI PL303-P(G) Tti1ChPsu
TTI PL601-P(G) Tti1ChPsu
TTI PL303QMD-P(G) Tti2ChPsu
TTI PL303QMT-P(G) Tti3ChPsu
TTI EL302P-USB N.A. not supported
TTI EX355P-USB N.A. not supported
TTI QL355TP TtiQL2ChPsu operates at 19200 baud rate by default
TTI QL355P TtiQL1ChPsu operates at 19200 baud rate by default
TTI QL564TP TtiQL2ChPsu operates at 19200 baud rate by default
TTI QL564P TtiQL1ChPsu operates at 19200 baud rate by default
Rohde & Schwarz HMP2030 RohdeHmp3ChPsu
Rohde & Schwarz HMP4040 RohdeHmp4ChPsu *


Brand Model serial-controllers supporting class Verified with Comments
GL Optic Touch 1.0 GlOpticTouch * Requires GL Spectrosoft PRO which runs a TCP server that relays the measurement data from the spectrometer. See HW manuals/gl_parsing_result.txt for example dict structure returned by get_input().


1) The base class relies on a modified SimpleDaq class from Python For the Lab materials. link to source
2) Sigrok website where lots of devices protocols are reverse-engineered. Beautiful middle finger solution in case your hw supplier refuses to cooperate. Sigrok homepage