Augmented Reality Social Network
Wally is a location-based augmented reality social network. Users can post and share virtual content (such as notes, images, videos) in the real world though their Google Tango devices.
see the demo
Please refer to official Android coding standards.
See how variable declaration differs
public class MyClass {
public static final int SOME_CONSTANT = 42;
public int publicField;
private static MyClass sSingleton;
int mPackagePrivate;
private int mPrivate;
protected int mProtected;
Also see Annotation guide. and [Full Annotation list] (
Annotations like @NonNull
, @UiThread
, @CallSuper
Will be very handful.
If you are eager to read further, see [full coding styles & standards] (
Before pushing your code:
Be careful when you suppress warning.
Never suppress warning that might crash or break application.
You can suppress when you definitely have a reason.
For example when you know that variable will never be null and lint warns you NullPointerException, you can suppress warning.
[Google Sign in sample (With silent sign in)] (