Tool for converting e-Sword resources from 8.x to 9.x
eSword 9 Converter is a powerful tool for converting e-Sword 8.0.6 specification adherent modules to e-Sword 9.x modules. The purpose of writing this utility was at first for my own private use, but soon grew into an effort to assist the entire e-Sword community in making it through the e-Sword v9 update with as little pain as possible.
Currently e-Sword 9 Converter will convert the following types of e-Sword 8.0.6 specification adherent modules:
Unconverted e-Sword 8.x modules | Converted e-Sword 9.x modules |
Bible (.bbl) | Bible (.bblx) |
Bible Reading Plan (.brp) | Bible Reading Plan (.brpx) |
Commentary (.cmt) | Commentary (.cmtx) |
Devotional (.dev) | Devotional (.devx) |
Dictionary (.dct) | Dictionary (.dctx) |
Graphics & Maps (.map) | Graphics & Maps (.mapx) |
Harmony (.har) | Harmony (.harx) |
Memory Verses (.mem) | Memory Verses (.memx) |
Overlay (.ovl) | Overlay (.ovlx) |
Prayer Request (.prl) | Prayer Request (.prlx) |
Study Note (.not) | Study Note (.notx) |
Topic Note (.top) | Topic Note (.topx) |
Verse List (.lst) | Verse List (.lstx) |
e-Sword 9 Converter will not now or ever convert the module type: Illustrations (.ill).
Although, e-Sword 9 Converter is a very powerful tool, it must never be used to convert the following types of e-Sword 8.x modules. Furthermore, please keep in mind that the conversion of any of the module types listed below is in direct violation of US law, International law and God’s Law:
Never convert any e-Sword 8.x password protected module that you did not originally create or any e-Sword 8.x password protected module that you donate personally have the explicit permission of the original module creator to convert.
Never convert any e-Sword 8.x module that contains copyrighted material.
Never convert any e-Sword 8.x Premium module, whether you bought your Premium module from, or another source. To obtain your new e-Sword 9.x Premium module, please return to the website where you originally purchased your e-Sword 8.x Premium module, and then follow their instructions to receive your new e-Sword 9.x Premium module.
Furthermore, because of any illegal acts that may be involved in the conversion of the above module types. I cannot condone nor support the conversion of any of the above listed module types, or any individual or group that may use e-Sword 9 Converter to do so.
If you are fluent in another language besides English or Spanish, you can help out by translating the e-Sword 9 Converter interface or this User Guide into your language. Or maybe you’re a programmer and think you might like to help further the development e-Sword 9 Converter. Whatever your case is if you want to help out, email me at and let me know that you’re willing to lend a hand for the sake of His Kingdom and the e-Sword community.
If you have problems running e-Sword 9 Converter, please check and be sure that you have the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 installed on your computer. You can also post your question in the Converting e-Sword 8.x User Made Modules To 9.x forum.
If your problems are regarding the conversion of a specific module and the problem is not password related, please send the report “eSword9Converter.log” produced by e-Sword 9 Converter to me at You can locate this report in the folder where e-Sword 9 Converter is installed. Also be sure and include the problem module in a compressed format (.zip, .rar) and email both the module and the report to me.