项目作者: jorgeteixe

项目描述 :
Telegram bot that does my dirty work.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/jorgeteixe/teixeBOT.git
创建时间: 2021-01-29T12:49:42Z

开源协议:MIT License



Telegram bot that alerts binance actions.

Get it running


  1. git clone https://github.com/jorgeteixe/binance-alerts-telegram-bot.git bot
  2. apt install build-essential python3.8 python3.8-dev
  3. cd bot
  4. python -m venv venv
  5. source venv/bin/activate
  6. pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. nano .env # details below
  8. python main.py

.env file

  4. MY_CHAT_ID=
  1. Get your Binance API key and secret here.
  2. Get your Telegram Token with BotFather.
  3. Run the software without MY_CHAT_ID, start the conversation with the bot and paste the id shown in your shell.


Cryptocurrency watchlist

Receive scheduled updates on the selected pair each n minutes.


  1. /watch <pair> <interval> >> Adds to watchlist
  2. pair: valid pair from Binance Exchange
  3. interval: minutes between messages [min: 1 max: 1440 (day)]
  4. /unwatch <pair> >> Removes from watchlist
  5. pair: pair on your watchlist
  6. /watching >> Shows watchlist

Trade cryptocyrrency watchlist

Receive scheduled updates on the selected pair each n minutes.
To receive special alerts when abrupt changes occur, toggle ALERTING.


  1. /wtrade <pair> <interval> <enterPrice> >> Adds to watchtrades-list
  2. pair: valid pair from Binance Exchange
  3. interval: minutes between messages [min: 1 max: 1440 (day)]
  4. enterPrice: base price to show actual position
  5. /atrade <pair> <value> >> Change alerting value
  6. pair: the pair to change the value
  7. value: 1 to activate, 0 to deactivate
  8. /unwtrade <pair> >> Removes from watchtrades-list
  9. pair: pair on your watchtrades-list
  10. /wtrades >> Shows watchtrades-list

Telegram-like format command list

  1. watch - add a cryptocurrency pair to your watchlist
  2. unwatch - remove a pair from your watchlist
  3. watching - show your watchlist
  4. wtrade - add a trade to your watchtrades-list
  5. atrade - set alerting for a specific watchtrade
  6. unwtrade - remove a pair from your watchtrades-list
  7. wtrades - show your watchtrades-list