A tiny calculator project with lexer/parser based on Flex, Bison with pure c programming language.
A tiny calculator project with lexer/parser based on Flex, Bison with pure c programming language.
print 5;
print 100+10;
a = 50;
print a;
print a+a;
print a+100;
Easily run bash build.sh
or do manually:
$ flex myscanner.l
$ yacc -d parser.y
$ gcc y.tab.c lex.yy.c
$ cc y.tab.c lex.yy.c
run ./a.out
and type print 10;
or etc…
Or Run parser and get contents from input.in
file via linux/unix command:
$ ./a.out < input.in
Print 5
Print 110
Print 50
Print 100
Print 150
Feel free to participate and develop.
I saw an lecture from Prof. Jonathan Engelsma and It’s encouraged me to do this project myself.
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