Read Bitmap graphics in pure Lua.
This single-file Lua-only library implements basic read/write support
for a subset of the Windows Bitmap
/device-independent bitmap
file format, version 3.0.
Compatible with Lua5.1, LuaJIT, Lua5.2, Lua5.3, Lua5.4.
Windows Bitmap
/device-independent bitmap
, version 3.0,
Library usage is documented in doc/
local Bitmap = require("lua-bitmap") -- load module
local bmp = Bitmap.empty_bitmap(width, height, alpha)
--local bmp = Bitmap.from_string(data)
--local bmp = Bitmap.from_file(path)
--local bmp = Bitmap._new_bitmap()
r,g,b,a = bmp:get_pixel(x,y) -- get color value at x,y
bmp:set_pixel(x,y,r,g,b,a) -- set pixel at x,y to r,g,b,a[0-255]
See doc/
The LuaRocks module is not published on a rocks server yet.
There are currently two runnable examples, bmp2ansi.lua
coverts a
bitmap to primitive ASCII art, and gen_test_image.lua
generates a
simple bitmap with a test pattern.
bmp2ansi.lua: doc/examples/bmp2ansi.lua
gen_test_image.lua: doc/examples/gen_test_image.lua
See doc/