项目作者: killbill

项目描述 :
Kill Bill UI for the deposit plugin
高级语言: Ruby
项目地址: git://github.com/killbill/killbill-deposit-ui.git
创建时间: 2021-03-10T15:02:32Z

开源协议:MIT License



This Rails mountable engine allows you to manage your Deposit integration in Kill Bill.

Kill Bill compatibility

Deposit UI version Kill Bill version
0.0.y 0.22.z (Rails 5)
0.1.y 0.24.z (Rails 6)
1.0.y 0.24.z (Rails 7)


This app lets you:

  • Record and categorize external payments as Cash, Check, Bank Transfer, etc.
  • Apply payments to one or multiple invoices.
  • Identify invoice line items that are unpaid (e.g. if the customer is disputing a subset of the invoice).

Getting Started

You can run this locally by using the test/dummy app provided.

To do so, specify your Kill Bill server url, api key and secret in test/dummy/config/initializers/killbill_client.rb:

  1. KillBillClient.url = ''
  2. KillBillClient.api_key = 'bob'
  3. KillBillClient.api_secret = 'lazar'

Then, simply run:

  1. rails s

To run tests:

  1. rails t

This plugin is using killbill-assets-ui to load the common assets.
If you want to override the assets you can add it to app/assets/stylesheet/deposit or app/assets/javascripts/deposit

For integrate run with killbill-admin-ui-standalone, please update the Gemfile to use Deposit locally

  1. # gem 'killbill-deposit'
  2. gem 'killbill-deposit', :path => '../killbill-deposit-ui'