项目作者: Bioconductor

项目描述 :
:warning: DEPRECATED :warning: Download Matrix Data using the HCA API
高级语言: R
项目地址: git://github.com/Bioconductor/HCAMatrixBrowser.git
创建时间: 2018-11-21T18:37:12Z



" class="reference-link">HCAMatrixBrowser


HCAMatrixBrowser gives users access to the matrix download service for
the Human Cell Atlas project.

It provides a main function for downloading data matrices from either a
set of bundle_fqids or a data filters.

  • loadHCAMatrix allows either a vector of bundle_fqids or an added
    filter operation to the HCA API object

API object

  1. library(HCAMatrixBrowser)
  2. #> Loading required package: AnVIL
  3. #> Loading required package: dplyr
  4. #>
  5. #> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
  6. #> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
  7. #>
  8. #> filter, lag
  9. #> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
  10. #>
  11. #> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
  12. #>
  13. #> Attaching package: 'HCAMatrixBrowser'
  14. #> The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
  15. #>
  16. #> filter
  17. #> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
  18. #>
  19. #> filter
  20. hca <- HCAMatrix()

Quick Start

with bundle_fqids

  1. my_fqids <-
  2. c("ffd3bc7b-8f3b-4f97-aa2a-78f9bac93775.2019-05-14T122736.345000Z",
  3. "f69b288c-fabc-4ac8-b50c-7abcae3731bc.2019-05-14T120110.781000Z")
  4. loadHCAMatrix(hca, bundle_fqids = my_fqids)
  5. #> class: LoomExperiment
  6. #> dim: 58347 2
  7. #> metadata(0):
  8. #> assays(1): matrix
  9. #> rownames: NULL
  10. #> rowData names(9): Accession Gene ... genus_species isgene
  11. #> colnames(2): 3c2180aa-0aa4-411f-98dc-73ef87b447ed
  12. #> 1cfe9423-21d1-4281-9f9d-3aaa07b8e1e8
  13. #> colData names(38): CellID barcode ...
  14. #> specimen_from_organism.provenance.document_id total_umis
  15. #> rowGraphs(0): NULL
  16. #> colGraphs(0): NULL

with filter operations

  1. hca1 <- filter(hca, bundle_uuid == "ffd3bc7b-8f3b-4f97-aa2a-78f9bac93775")
  2. ## filter print out
  3. filters(hca1)
  4. #> $op
  5. #> [x] "="
  6. #>
  7. #> $field
  8. #> [x] "bundle_uuid"
  9. #>
  10. #> $value
  11. #> [x] "ffd3bc7b-8f3b-4f97-aa2a-78f9bac93775"
  12. loadHCAMatrix(hca1)
  13. #> class: LoomExperiment
  14. #> dim: 58347 1
  15. #> metadata(0):
  16. #> assays(1): matrix
  17. #> rownames: NULL
  18. #> rowData names(9): Accession Gene ... genus_species isgene
  19. #> colnames(1): 3c2180aa-0aa4-411f-98dc-73ef87b447ed
  20. #> colData names(44): CellID analysis_protocol.protocol_core.protocol_id
  21. #> ... specimen_from_organism.provenance.document_id total_umis
  22. #> rowGraphs(0): NULL
  23. #> colGraphs(0): NULL