项目作者: AtlasOfLivingAustralia

项目描述 :
DigiVol (Biodiversity Volunteer Portal)
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/AtlasOfLivingAustralia/volunteer-portal.git
创建时间: 2014-07-10T05:58:32Z



DigiVol Build Status

The Atlas of Living Australia, in collaboration with the Australian Museum, developed DigiVol
to harness the power of online volunteers (also known as crowdsourcing) to digitise biodiversity data that is locked
up in biodiversity collections, field notebooks and survey sheets.


The ansible inventories are currently out of date. You can run DigiVol manually by using gradle to build:

  1. ./gradlew assemble
  2. java -jar build/libs/volunteer-portal-*.war
  3. open http://devt.ala.org.au:8080/

To run up a vagrant instance of DigiVol you can use the volunteer_portal_instance ansible playbook from the
AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ala-install repository. This will deploy a pre-compiled version from the ALA Maven repository.

NOTE: Both vagrant and ansible must be installed first.

Then setup the VM and run the playbook:

  1. git clone https://github.com/AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ala-install.git
  2. cd ala-install/vagrant/ubuntu-trusty
  3. vagrant up
  4. cd ../../ansible
  5. ansible-playbook -i inventories/vagrant --user vagrant --private-key ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key --sudo volunteer-portal.yml

Deploying to a server can be done similarly, though you will need to define an ansible inventory first.


DigiVol is a Grails v5.3 based web application. It requires PostgreSQL v15 for data storage. Development follows the
git flow workflow.

For git flow operations you may like to use the git-flow command line tools. Either install Atlassian SourceTree
which bundles its own version or install them via:

  1. # OS X
  2. brew install git-flow
  3. # Ubuntu
  4. apt-get install git-flow