项目作者: NaturalSolutions

项目描述 :
ecoReleve Biodiversity Data Management
项目地址: git://github.com/NaturalSolutions/ecoReleve.git
创建时间: 2012-11-13T14:37:31Z



ecoRelevé platform

A free and open source biodiversity data management platform.


ecoRelevé is designed for:

  • Field Worker that actually runs the data collection and data entries
  • Data administrator that manages the database and decide upon thesaurus and taxonomy
  • Scientist Formalizes ecological questions and data gathering processes

ecoRelevé architecture

ecoRelevé is built around these roles and is composed of four modules:

  • ecoReleve Explorer: designed for data exploration analysis and visualization
  • ecoReleve Data: designed for field data entry
  • ecoReleve Thesaurus: designed to deal with concept definitions (thesaurus and taxonomy)
  • ecoReleve FormBuilder : designed to deal with the protocol definition
  • ecoReleve Server : server component for CRUD operations in the database layer



ecoReleve ScreenCast


[Online demo here] (http://demo.ecoreleve.com/)

ecoRelevé Slideshare

*ecoRelevé Foss4G 2010

*ecoRelevé TDWG 2011

*ecoRelevé TDWG 2014


Want to contribute? Great!

ecoRelevé is an open source project. Please help us by contributing to documentation, reporting bugs, forking the code to add features or make bug fixes or promoting us on twitter, etc.


Please consider following the @Nat_Solutions Twitter team for updates.

ecoRelevé process



We are grateful to H.H. Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Chairman of the International Fund for Houbara Conservation (IFHC) and H.E. Mohammed Al Bowardi Deputy Chairman of IFHC for their support

Commercial Support

We have programs for companies that require additional level of assistance through training or commercial support, need special licensing or want additional levels of capabilities. Please visit the Natural Solutions Website for more information about ecoRelevé or email contact@natural-solutions.com.