项目作者: 101t

项目描述 :
👨‍🏫 BigBlueButton Python API
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/101t/bigbluebutton-api-python.git
创建时间: 2018-01-20T15:53:12Z

开源协议:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


BigBlueButton Python API

Python wrapper for BigBlueButton api, more information about BigBlueButton api can be found here.


The project has been uploaded to pypi, and you can view the library from here. You can simply download the library by

  1. pip install bigbluebutton_api_python

You can also install the latest from this repo with

  1. pip install git+git://github.com/101t/bigbluebutton-api-python.git


Example to use the library:

  1. from bigbluebutton_api_python import BigBlueButton
  2. b = BigBlueButton('your BBB server url', 'your server credential')
  3. # get api version
  4. print(b.get_api_version().get_version())

Others Example

  1. from bigbluebutton_api_python import BigBlueButton
  2. b = BigBlueButton('your BBB server url', 'your server credential')
  3. #params
  4. dict = { 'moderatorPW':'pw' }
  5. #use create meeting
  6. print(b.create_meeting ('room',params=dict))
  7. #get info
  8. print(b.get_meeting_info('room'))
  9. #get url
  10. print(b.get_join_meeting_url('user','fake2', 'pw'))

More Docs here.