项目作者: sandeepsukumaran

项目描述 :
Computation of various bigrams models, Naive Bayesian Part of Speech tagging, and Transformation Based Learner
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/sandeepsukumaran/BigramsAndTBL.git
创建时间: 2018-10-28T23:29:12Z

开源协议:MIT License



Computation of various bigrams models, Naive Bayesian Part of Speech tagging, and Transformation Based Learner

Bigram Models

BigramProbabilities.py reads from a corpus and calculates the bigram model (counts and probabilities) for three cases:

  1. No smoothing
  2. Laplacian smoothing
  3. Good-Turing discounting based smoothing (no regression)

The bigram models are written to separate files.

Naive Bayesian POS tagging:

NaiveBayesian.py reads from a corpus and computes model parameters of a Hidden Markov Model.
It also prints computations for use elsewhere.

Transformation Based Learning:

TBL.py reads from a corpus and runs Brill’s tagging on a very narrow set of template possibilities.
Only templates of type “Change from_tag to to_tag when previous is prev_tag.” are considered and only rules involving NN and VB tags are computed.


Built and tested on Python3.6
No additional dependencies.