haproxy lxc containers demo
This configuration of software demonstrates the Round Robin principle of a load balancer, with 2 webservers provided by Nginx and Haproxy as the Load Balancer using Ansible for simplicity of setup (as the alternatives are quite involved).
LXD & Ansible
A terminal is required to perform the following steps:
1. Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/micrometreuk/haproxy.git
2. Change to the directory
cd haproxy
3. Creating the containers and provisioning required software within them.
make containers
You should see somthing displayed similar to the below:
Terminal Output
To run this test 10 times and display the alternating server results within the terminal, type the following and replace the below IP with the IP address of YOUR Load Balancer.
for run in {1..10}; do curl -I http://(LoadBalancersIP)/; done
Client fot URL’s (cURL) will display the header info only per request within the terminal window.
Apache benchmark
For more information on average response times, failed requests, transfer rate, and more, install Apache utils with:
sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
To run a test with ApacheBenchmark with 10000 requests with a concurrency of 1000.
ab -n 10000 -c 1000 http://(LoadBalancersIP)/
Once you are finished with this demonstration, run the below command to remove the created containers.
make unmake