Repository for codes of my master project and thesis - investigation of whole grain cereal intake biomarkers
Repository for Tu’s project and thesis of master study - ‘Investigation of Biomarkers for Whole Grain Cereal Intake’.
Most of the MatLab codes and algorisms were produced by the supervisor Gözde Gürdeniz during her PhD and postdoc work in University of Copenhagen. Tu modified them and adapt to his master thesis.
m2r function converts matlab dataset into r tidy data.
Presentation folder stores the presentation (pdf+tex) that was used in defence.
Thank you! My dear supervisors Lars Ove Dragsted, and Gözde Gürdeniz. Thanks for your guidance and help during my thesis. Lars impressed me as a good teacher. He can always explain the complex concepts in a vivid and understandable manner. And, Gözde offered her babysitting-styled supervision and helped me in every detail. I also acknowledge Susanne Bügel for offering me the chance to analyze the data, and the examiner Ashfaq Ali for assessing my thesis.
I acknowledge my colleagues from Metabolomics group, Jan, Giorgia, Xiaomin, Muyao, Natalia, Ceyda, Catalina, Sarah, Cecilie, Cristian, and Henrik. All of them have offered their help and support. Without them, I cannot have had such a happy experience during my thesis. I really appreciate the companion of my friend Kristina. We have shared the same office and experienced a wonderful year with metabolomics! I also thank Nina Sondrup for peer-reviewing my thesis and giving very useful feedback.
The researchers from the Section of Preventive and Clinical Nutrition are also acknowledged. Steen, and Inge shared their knowledge of fibres and cardiovascular disease. I really acknowledge my friend Simon. Besides the help in science, he also inspires me in several aspects of life. And my friend Kåre, thank you. I also benefited from the efficient administrative work by Claude, Geske, Krystyna and Randy.
I also acknowledge my family, home friends and my girlfriend who live 6-7 hours ahead of me but keep encouraging and supporting me.