项目作者: billylo1

项目描述 :
Lunar Birthday Calendar Generator
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/billylo1/lunar-birthday-calendar-web.git
创建时间: 2018-06-18T11:28:51Z



Lunar Birthday Calendar Generator (https://lunar-birthday-calendar-web.firebaseapp.com)

Google Calendar/Outlook does not allow you to create recurring events based on lunar calendar (e.g. Grandma/Grandpa’s birthdays.)

This little tool generates an ICS calendar file for you. You can then import the generated ICS file into Google Calendar/Outlook so it’s easy to remember when to call/visit them on their birthdays 🎂

[This is a webified-version of bluishoul’s nice utility]

[Credits: lunar-birthday-calendar https://www.npmjs.com/package/lunar-birthday-calendar]