项目作者: rsbondi

项目描述 :
A console for use in testing a bitcoin node via the rpc interface. Can be used instead of the bitcoin-cli or bitcoin-qt console.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/rsbondi/btcrpc-console.git
创建时间: 2017-12-03T04:43:20Z

开源协议:MIT License



Note this console has been included in this project and is no longer maintained here.


A console for use in testing a bitcoin node via the rpc interface. Can be used instead of the bitcoin-cli or bitcoin-qt console.


I wanted to be able to learn the protocol, following the examples seemed difficult using the
bitcoin-cli and setting environment variables or copy pasting the results into the next command.
I found it challenging to keep track of everything.

Also I like to work from my laptop out on the back porch, but find it impractical to run
a full node on the laptop and keeping in sync when laptop is not always in use.

This allows me to connect to my node remotely. Also I can enter the commands in
a more friendly visible way, with everything in one place, the completion, argument help, and
complete help on command available on hover. Additionally, the history is visible in the
command editor, and re-running is easy


Command Input

  • A multi line code editor for entering commands rather than a single line console input
  • Code completion for all RPC commands
  • Full help text when hovering a command
  • Argument hints based on command entered
  • Execute via keyboard, menu, command pallet or codelens
  • File load and save

Result Display

  • Folding of results for better focus on results of interest
  • Mini Map for easy navigation
  • Insert from results to the command editor
  • File load and save

Getting started


clone repo

npm install


The bitcoin RPC server requires a username and password for access, this is set up in the
bitcoin.conf file, see bitcoin core documentation for further details

The default location for this app is HOME/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf

This can be overridden from the command line with the -config flag ex. -config=/DIRECTORY/FILE.conf with the file containing the values of rpcuser and rpcpassword in the format of the standard bitcoin.conf file.

Command line options

Command Description
-config path to config file described above
-host default
-port default 8332(Main Net)

The -port option lets you run on test net by setting to 18332

The -host and -config options allow for remote connection


npm start [-- [-config -port -host]]

Also, launch configurations are provided for vscode users

Keyboard Shortcuts

Command Description
F5 execute command at command editor cursor postion
CtrlCmd+i Insert from result cursor position to command editior selection, this allows easy reuse of results as command arguments

Entering Commands

A single command may be multi line. Leave whitespace for argument separation, JSON objects are parsed as a single argument.


  1. createmultisig 2
  2. [
  3. "key1",
  4. "key2"
  5. ]

Currently argument help does not trigger on tab, see issue


install electron-packager

and run electron-packager .

this will create an executable for your operating system

Bitcoin Forks

This console should work with bitcoin forks

ex. To run with litecoin testnet npm start -- -port=19332 -config=/home/yourhome/.litecoin/litecoin.conf

