Convert Tool Output to Reference Output
If you’re interested in Software Bill of Materials, you might also look into Bompare
We’re using several tools to get more insight into the Bill Of Material of applications. All tools and languages have different ways to report these lists with dependencies, licenses and vulnerabilities. In order to compare tools with each other, we need a way to convert the output to a reference output. See reference output section about what is our reference output.
This repository converts outputs from various tools.
Install Rust and Cargo
curl -sSf | sh
Build a release version of the scripts.
cargo build --release
An example with the JFrog Xray license export results json file.
./target/release/ct2r xray Build_js-react-app-443222_License_Export.json output.json
An example with the gradle license export results json file.
./target/release/ct2r gradle raw-dependencies.json output.json
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
dependencies {
classpath 'com.github.jk1:gradle-license-report:1.11'
apply plugin: 'com.github.jk1.dependency-license-report'
import com.github.jk1.license.render.*
licenseReport {
renderers = [new JsonReportRenderer()]
./gradlew generateLicenseReport
cargo run <tool> <input.json> <output.json>
Tool can be: xray
or gradle
cargo test
Run tool from docker image:
docker run --rm -v (pwd):/data philipssoftware/ct2r gradle /data/index.json /data/output.json
The output is saved in a file: output.json
It’s format is aligned with the reference output found in tools like: npm dependencies extractor
{ ‘name’: ‘dependencyName_A’, ‘version’: ‘0.0.1’},
{ ‘name’: ‘dependencyName_B’, ‘version’: ‘2.0.0’},
{ ‘name’: ‘dependencyName_B’, ‘version’: ‘2.0.1’}
Jeroen Knoops