项目作者: MoscowskyAnton

项目描述 :
ROS-based BD1 droid from Star Wars The Fallen Order
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/MoscowskyAnton/BD1.git
创建时间: 2020-12-18T18:02:48Z




Gazebo ROS-based BD1 droid from Star Wars: The Fallen Order game. For testing reinforcement learning algorithms.

BD1 Gazebo

How to install

  1. Install ROS Noetic
  2. Install additional ROS packages
    1. sudo apt install ros-noetic-velocity-controllers
  3. If you want to use GPU, install CUDA and cuDNN, here is guide need to be followed until ‘Finally to verify the correct installation’
  4. Install pytorch
  5. Install stable-baselines3

  6. Clone this repo in your workspace and build it

Repository structure

  • bd1_config - main launches
  • bd1_description - robot model
  • bd1_gazebo_env_interface - utils to wrap Gazebo in Gym environment
  • bd1_gazebo_utils - some Gazebo additional utilities like contact handler
  • bd1_manual_control - manual robot control for testing
  • bd1_simple_moves - some handmade movements like deploy\undeploy
  • bd1_train_sb3 - nodes implementing learning with stable-baselines3

    Launch training

    1. roslaunch bd1_config bd1_gazebo.launch
    Wait until Gazebo starts, then
    1. roslaunch bd1_config bd1_train_sb3.launch
    Run tensorboard with
    1. tensorboard --logdir bd1_train_sb3/models/...