Server side-java spring boot+web controller+firebase admin sdk
This is a school project
By Chen Ben Ami and Sean Hed
The main idea about this project is to include everything we have learnt in our studies
and demo a real life development cycle (CircleCi for Continuous Integration, Trello for planning,AWS to save applications on the cloud and monitor them)
ProgreC application to monitor students’ progress on the class assignments.
This project includes-
Server side - application written in Java and Spring framework.
Side project- progresee server with jdbc +spring oauth2
Client side - 2 native applications:
Web app written in Angular8.
Android mobile app written Kotlin.
Architecture Blueprint
soon (tm)
Project Structure
soon (tm)
The app has following packages:
App - Main method
Beans - POJOS
Controllers - Rest api controllers
Firebase- initialize the firebase application
Services - The application business logic behind the controllers
Services.dao - interfaces
Utils - Some basic utils that are used for the application