iOS/macOS/tvOS video player
KSPlayer is a powerful media play framework for iOS, tvOS, macOS, xrOS, visionOS, Mac Catalyst, SwiftUI, Apple Silicon M1 .
English | 简体中文
Functional differences between GPL version and LGPL version
Feature | LGPL | GPL |
| —————- | —————- | —————- |
|Dolby AC-4|✅|❌|
|AV1 hardware decoding|✅|❌|
|All demuxers, All decoders|✅|❌|
|Record video clips at any time|✅|❌|
|Smoothly Play 8K or 120 FPS Video|✅|❌|
|Dovi P5 displays HDR (not overheating)|✅|❌|
|Live streaming supports rewind viewing|✅|❌|
|Picture in Picture supports subtitle display|✅|❌|
|Annex-B async hardware decoding(Live Stream)|✅|❌|
|Use the fonts in the video to render subtitles|✅|❌|
|ISO Blu-ray disc playback on all Apple platforms|✅|❌|
|Use memory cache for fast seek in short time range|✅|❌|
|Cache data to Hard Drive,Preload data to Hard Drive|✅|❌|
|Offline AI real-time subtitle generation and translation|✅|❌|
|Full display of ass subtitles effect(Render as image using libass)|✅|❌|
|Play videos in a small window in the App (resumable, supports tvos and ios)|✅|❌|
|FFmpeg version|7.0.2|6.1.0|
|Record video|✅|✅|
|360° panorama video|✅|✅|
|Picture in Picture|✅|✅|
|Hardware accelerator|✅|✅|
|Seamless loop playback|✅|✅|
|De-interlace auto detect|✅|✅|
|4k/HDR/HDR10/HDR10+/Dolby Vision|✅|✅|
|Custom url protocols such as nfs/smb/UPnP |✅|✅|
|Multichannel Audio/Spatial Audio|✅|✅|
|Text subtitle/Image subtitle/Closed Captions|✅|✅|
|Search Online Subtitles(shooter/assrt/opensubtitles)|✅|✅|
|Low latency 4K live video streaming (less than 200ms on LAN)|✅|✅|
|Automatically switch to multi-bitrate streams based on network|✅|✅|
App Store Link| Logo |
| —————- | —————- |
|homeTV IPTV Player||
|IPTV +||
|LillyPlayer Video Player||
|Smart IPTV||
|Snappier IPTV||
|Spatial Video Studio||
|SWIPTV - IPTV Smart Player||
|UHF - Love your IPTV||
|Zen IPTV||
KSPlayer defaults to the GPL license (requires open-sourcing your own project code), and we hope everyone will consciously respect the licensing agreement of the KSPlayer project. Additionally, there is a paid version that adopts the LGPL license (contact us).
If due to commercial reasons, you prefer not to adhere to the GPL license or the LGPL license, you can contact us. Through our authorization, you can obtain a more flexible licensing agreement. Email:
cd Demo
pod install
Make sure to use the latest version cocoapods 1.10.1+, which can be installed using the command brew install cocoapods
target 'ProjectName' do
pod 'KSPlayer',:git => '', :branch => 'main'
pod 'DisplayCriteria',:git => '', :branch => 'main'
pod 'FFmpegKit',:git => '', :branch => 'main'
pod 'Libass',:git => '', :branch => 'main'
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .branch("main"))
KSOptions.secondPlayerType = KSMEPlayer.self
playerView = IOSVideoPlayerView()
playerView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
playerView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.readableContentGuide.topAnchor),
playerView.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leftAnchor),
playerView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.rightAnchor),
playerView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.bottomAnchor),
playerView.backBlock = { [unowned self] in
if UIApplication.shared.statusBarOrientation.isLandscape {
self.playerView.updateUI(isLandscape: false)
} else {
self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
playerView.set(url:URL(string: "")!)
playerView.set(resource: KSPlayerResource(url: url, name: name!, cover: URL(string: ""), subtitleURL: URL(string: "http://example.ksplay.subtitle")))
let res0 = KSPlayerResourceDefinition(url: URL(string: "")!,
definition: "高清")
let res1 = KSPlayerResourceDefinition(url: URL(string: "")!,
definition: "标清")
let asset = KSPlayerResource(name: "Big Buck Bunny",
definitions: [res0, res1],
cover: URL(string: ""))
playerView.set(resource: asset)
let options = KSOptions()
let definition = KSPlayerResourceDefinition(url: URL(string: "")!,
definition: "高清",
options: options)
let asset = KSPlayerResource(name: "Video Name",
definitions: [definition])
playerView.set(resource: asset)
// Listen to play time change
playerView.playTimeDidChange = { (currentTime: TimeInterval, totalTime: TimeInterval) in
print("playTimeDidChange currentTime: \(currentTime) totalTime: \(totalTime)")
// Delegates
public protocol PlayerControllerDelegate: class {
func playerController(state: KSPlayerState)
func playerController(currentTime: TimeInterval, totalTime: TimeInterval)
func playerController(finish error: Error?)
func playerController(maskShow: Bool)
func playerController(action: PlayerButtonType)
// `bufferedCount: 0` indicates first time loading
func playerController(bufferedCount: Int, consumeTime: TimeInterval)
class CustomVideoPlayerView: IOSVideoPlayerView {
override func updateUI(isLandscape: Bool) {
super.updateUI(isLandscape: isLandscape)
toolBar.playbackRateButton.isHidden = true
override func onButtonPressed(type: PlayerButtonType, button: UIButton) {
if type == .landscape {
// Your own button press behaviour here
} else {
super.onButtonPressed(type: type, button: button)
override open func player(layer: KSPlayerLayer, state: KSPlayerState) {
super.player(layer: layer, state: state)
if state == .readyToPlay, let player = layer.player {
let tracks = player.tracks(mediaType: .audio)
let track = tracks[1]
/// the name of the track
let name =
/// the language of the track
let language = track.language
/// selecting the one track)
open class KSOptions {
/// 最低缓存视频时间
public var preferredForwardBufferDuration = KSOptions.preferredForwardBufferDuration
/// 最大缓存视频时间
public var maxBufferDuration = KSOptions.maxBufferDuration
/// 是否开启秒开
public var isSecondOpen = KSOptions.isSecondOpen
/// 开启精确seek
public var isAccurateSeek = KSOptions.isAccurateSeek
/// Applies to short videos only
public var isLoopPlay = KSOptions.isLoopPlay
/// 是否自动播放,默认false
public var isAutoPlay = KSOptions.isAutoPlay
/// seek完是否自动播放
public var isSeekedAutoPlay = KSOptions.isSeekedAutoPlay
public var seekFlags = Int32(0)
// ffmpeg only cache http
public var cache = false
public var outputURL: URL?
public var display = DisplayEnum.plane
public var avOptions = [String: Any]()
public var formatContextOptions = [String: Any]()
public var decoderOptions = [String: Any]()
public var probesize: Int64?
public var maxAnalyzeDuration: Int64?
public var lowres = UInt8(0)
public var startPlayTime: TimeInterval = 0
public var startPlayRate: Float = 1.0
public var registerRemoteControll: Bool = true // 默认支持来自系统控制中心的控制
public var referer: String?
public var userAgent: String?
// audio
public var audioFilters = [String]()
public var syncDecodeAudio = false
// sutile
public var autoSelectEmbedSubtitle = true
public var subtitleDisable = false
public var isSeekImageSubtitle = false
// video
public var videoDelay = 0.0 // s
public var autoDeInterlace = false
public var autoRotate = true
public var destinationDynamicRange: DynamicRange?
public var videoAdaptable = true
public var videoFilters = [String]()
public var syncDecodeVideo = false
public var hardwareDecode = KSOptions.hardwareDecode
public var asynchronousDecompression = true
public var videoDisable = false
public var canStartPictureInPictureAutomaticallyFromInline = true
Any contributing and pull requests are warmly welcome. However, before you plan to implement some features or try to fix an uncertain issue, it is recommended to open a discussion first. It would be appreciated if your pull requests could build and with all tests green. :)
Open-source projects cannot live long without your help. If you find KSPlayer to be useful, please consider supporting this
project by becoming a sponsor.
Become a sponsor through GitHub Sponsors.
Your user icon or company logo shows up this with a link to your home page.
Name| Logo |
| —————- | —————- |
Thanks to nightfall708 for sponsoring a mac mini
Thanks to cdguy UnknownCoder807 skrew and LillyPlayer community for sponsoring a LG S95QR Sound Bar
Thanks to skrew and LillyPlayer community for sponsoring a 2022 Apple TV 4K
If you have a business cooperation project or want to initiate a paid consultation, you can contact me via email