项目作者: weblineindia

项目描述 :
This demo is of iOS based OTP Authentication, used to verify your mobile number with OTP (One Time Password).
高级语言: Swift
项目地址: git://github.com/weblineindia/iOS-OTP-Authentication.git
创建时间: 2020-07-02T13:03:07Z

开源协议:MIT License


iOS OTP Authentication

This demo is of iOS based OTP Authentication, used to verify your mobile number with OTP (One Time Password).

Table of contents

iOS Support

Version - iOS 13.x or later

We have tested our program in above versions, however you can use it in other versions as well



  • Select country with flag & country code
  • Verify mobile number with OTP all over the world

Getting started

Download this sample project and import swift utility resource files in your project.


Process setup is described below to integrate in sample project.

Configure your required property of countriesPickerVcObj
Also set delegate and implement method for call back selected country details

  1. extension ViewController: CountriesViewControllerDelegate {
  2. func countriesViewController(_ countriesViewController: CountriesViewController, didSelectCountry country: Country) {
  3. //Return last selected country details
  4. }}

Create CountryModel object for store last selected country details

  1. var selectedCountry:CountryModel?


PinView Class For OTP(One Time Password)

  • Setup pinview and config validation you want to setup
    below field config
  1. Create PinView Outlet of StackView
  2. Access config form Pinview outlet properties
    setup below validation base on your requirement

  1. var config:PinConfig! = PinConfig()
  2. // Length of OTP
  3. config.otpLength = .six
  4. // Secure text mask color
  5. config.dotColor = .black
  6. config.lineColor = #colorLiteral(red: 0.8265652657, green: 0.8502194881, blue: 0.9000532627, alpha: 1)
  7. //Space beetween two text field
  8. config.spacing = 30
  9. //set secure text
  10. config.isSecureTextEntry = true
  11. //show place hodder
  12. config.showPlaceHolder = true

Setup text field delegate

like Enter only specify values in textfield

  1. func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
  2. ///- For Phone number validation
  3. if textField == txtPhoneNumberField {
  4. let aSet = NSCharacterSet(charactersIn:"0123456789").inverted
  5. let compSepByCharInSet = string.components(separatedBy: aSet)
  6. let numberFiltered = compSepByCharInSet.joined(separator: "")
  7. return string == numberFiltered
  8. }
  9. else{
  10. return true
  11. }
  12. }

setup OTP view

  1. - setUpOTPView: this method provide setup of OTP text field like below


validate number with server use of below method

  • enter OTP
  • callback response

    1. self.countriesPickerVcObj.verifyOTP(otpCode: "123456", onSuccess:(authDataResult,bool) , onFailure:(error,isError)

send OTP to given details

  • enter country code
  • enter phone numner
  • call back validate details information

    1. self.countriesPickerVcObj.validateContryAndPhoneNumber(contryCode: "+1", phoneNumber: "9XXXXXXXXX", isValidDetails:(isValid,strMsg)


  • Param
    • number
  • callBack
    • return validationId & error details
      this method validate phone number and send OTP



  • enter OTP
  • AuthDataResult object & error details



  • view: for show indicator
  • phoneNowithCountryCode : for Example “+919XXXXXXXX”
    • return isSendSucessOTP status of send otp or not
    • return errorMessage show error
      call this method after check text field details



  • otpCoed
    • AuthDataResult : get user data
    • isVarifyOTP : check otp verify or not
    • error : display error
    • isVarifyOTP : check otp verify or not

Directive options

Firebase project setup steps

Create Project setup in firebase console using below URL

Please Enable Phone Number sign-in for your Firebase project in console

Download GoogleService-Info.Plist file and add into project
install firebase pod and run project

Pod installation process

The OTPAuthentication demo use in you app then same option as the <OTPAuthentication>
install firebase pod

  • pod ‘Firebase/Analytics’
  • pod ‘Firebase/Auth’

show country picker use of below method help of CountriesViewController class object

  • CountriesViewController.show(countriesViewController: self.countriesPickerVcObj, toVar: self)

  • select country and Phone number

  • Press send button to validate entered details and send OTP help of below mehods

    1. FirebaseAuthenticate.firSharedInstance.sendOtpAfterValidatePhonenumber
  • Verify OTP with below method

    1. FirebaseAuthenticate.firSharedInstance.verifyOTP

Want to Contribute?

  • Created something awesome, made this code better, added some functionality, or whatever (this is the hardest part).
  • Fork it.
  • Create new branch to contribute your changes.
  • Commit all your changes to your branch.
  • Submit a pull request.

Need Help?

We also provide a free, basic support for all users who want to use this OTP verification demo in project. In case you want to customize this OTP demo input to suit your development needs, then feel free to contact our iOS

Collection of Components

We have built many other components and free resources for software development in various programming languages. Kindly click here to view our Free Resources for Software Development.


Detailed changes for each release are documented in CHANGELOG.md.




OTP, Firebase Authentication, One Time Password, OTP For iOS, OTP Authentication, Mobile Number Verficiation,
OTP Verification, Firebase OTP Authentication, weblineindia