Swift wrapper for the Bitcoin Core RPC
Swift wrapper for the Bitcoin Core RPC.
swift build
swift test
# If you want an Xcode project
swift package generate-xcodeproj
Add to your own project with:
.package(url: "https://github.com/fanquake/CoreRPC", .branch("master"))
import CoreRPC
import PromiseKit
let node = URL(string: "http://localhost:18332") // testnet
let rpc = CoreRPC(url: node)
firstly {
rpc.getVerboseBlock(hash: "0000000014e6ae5aef5b7b660b160b7572fe14b95609fefb6f87c2d2e33a5fdd")
}.done { block in
print(block.confirmations, block.merkleroot)
// 31165 "d20cdbe39d1528bacfab6f7a3c16d576aeae6e8fb993193692a918a7c5002450"
let coinbase = block.tx.filter({ $0.isCoinbase() })
// "5b824f055bc4ea8763a817bd951c53f38f81d3c4f2066c6eee79acbad2819db7"
}.catch { err in
The preferred configuration method is to set CORERPC_USER
environment variables.
If found, they will be inserted into the given URL.
It is also possible to pass a fully formed URL, such as http://username:password@localhost:8332
An easy way to try this repo is with a Swift Playground.
git clone https://github.com/fanquake/CoreRPC.git
cd corerpc
swift package generate-xcodeproj
open CoreRPC.xcodeproj
Inside Xcode:
and save it inside the corerpc
directory.Copy the following into the Playground:
import CoreRPC
import Foundation
import PlaygroundSupport
import PromiseKit
PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
Then you can use as normal. i.e:
let node = URL(string: "http://username:password@localhost:18332")!
let rpc = try CoreRPC.init(url: node)
firstly {
rpc.getBlockHash(block: 554000)
}.then { hash in
rpc.getVerboseBlock(hash: hash)
}.done { block in
print("Tx count: \(block.tx.count)")
}.catch { error in
An example block explorer application is available here.