项目作者: d3x0r

项目描述 :
Storage adapater for Gun database; adds local file system storage.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/d3x0r/gun-file.git
创建时间: 2017-08-13T23:17:06Z




A streaming file extension for Gun.

Controlling Options

  1. var gun = new Gun( {
  2. 'file-name' : 'yourData.json', // default is 'data.json6'
  3. 'file-mode' : 0666, // default is 0666
  4. 'file-pretty' : true, // default, if false, will write ugly/compressed json
  5. 'file-delay' : 100, // default. control flush interval/delay default.
  6. } );


To avoid conflict with Gun’s builtin file driver, you will have to use require('gun/gun') plus any other modules you want to use.
The option file:null should work in gun to disable the builtin driver, but at this point does not.

  1. var Gun = require( "gun/gun" );
  2. require( 'gun-file' );


  • 1.0.123 - update to gun latest API ( deleted internal value)
  • 1.0.121 - generate ‘in’ on ctx instead of gun. (Issue #2)
  • 1.0.120 - test file path dyanamically to use common gun instead of potential private path…
  • 1.0.119 - update to gun 0.9
  • 1.0.118 - ‘in’ events require posting the gun instance they are on in the message now. Change default filename to data.json6.
  • 1.0.117 - remove alpha warning message.
  • 1.0.116 - add shared cache between instances using the same filename
  • 1.0.115 - fix a couple more short timeout cross read/writes.
  • 1.0.114 - handle short timeouts better; flushes during flushes would lose the event to flush.
  • 1.0.113 - Handle multiple connections with same file better; prevent writing while another is reading.
  • 1.0.112 - add acks on puts; add method to attach gun-file to a gun datbase should it fail to load correct gun base.
  • 1.0.111 - fix getting file-pretty option.
  • 1.0.11 - update gun revision in package.json; added .npmignore
  • 1.0.1 - update to JSON6 library rename of ‘add’ to ‘write’
  • 1.0.0 - Initial release

Benchmark Results

  1. __ Small Nodes: 10 Properties Each __
  2. Write 10000 nodes: : 2164ms; 2.164s; 0.216 ms/node; errors: 0.
  3. Read 10000 nodes: : 3005ms; 3.005s; 0.300 ms/node; errors: 0.
  4. Update 10000 nodes: : 2404ms; 2.404s; 0.240 ms/node; errors: 0.
  5. Update single field on 10000 nodes: : 2593ms; 2.593s; 0.259 ms/node; errors: 0.
  6. __ Medium Nodes: 1000 Properties Each __
  7. Write 100 nodes: : 2302ms; 2.302s; 22.792 ms/node; errors: 0.
  8. Read 100 nodes: : 2411ms; 2.411s; 23.871 ms/node; errors: 0.
  9. Update 100 nodes: : 1636ms; 1.636s; 16.198 ms/node; errors: 0.
  10. Update single field on 100 nodes: : 1667ms; 1.667s; 16.505 ms/node; errors: 0.
  11. __ Large Nodes: 10000 Properties Each __
  12. Write 10 nodes: : 2838ms; 2.838s; 258.000 ms/node; errors: 0.
  13. Read 10 nodes: : 3444ms; 3.444s; 313.091 ms/node; errors: 0.
  14. Update 10 nodes: : 2097ms; 2.097s; 190.636 ms/node; errors: 0.
  15. Update single field on 10 nodes: : 2177ms; 2.177s; 197.909 ms/node; errors: 0.