Python API using Flask to integrate with Azure Storage and Azure Service Bus
A sample Python API using Flask to integrate with Azure Storage and Azure Service Bus.
You’ll need a storage account with a blob container, and a Service Bus with a queue.
az group create -n $group -l $location
az storage account create -n $storage -g $group -l $location
az storage container create -n 'files' --account-name $storage
az servicebus namespace create -n $namespace -g $group -l $location
az servicebus queue create -n 'inQueue' --namespace-name $namespace -g $group
az servicebus queue create -n 'outQueue' --namespace-name $namespace -g $group
Install dependencies:
python3 -m venv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create the configurations file and temp directory:
mkdir files
cp example.config.ini config.ini
Generate the data and serve the application:
# Generate the sample data
python3 src/
# Run the program
python3 src/
With Docker:
docker build -t python-api .
docker run -it --rm --name python-api python-api