Unlimited Cloud File Storage
A Desktop Application that leverages GitHub to store your files.
Note: Currently, there is a lot to do for installation. This is because I haven’t spent much time on making this an accessible tool for everyone to use.
GitHup also applies AES-256 Encryption and GZIP compression to keep your files private and small. This means you can only access the files through the GitHup desktop application. There is, however, also a server to access files anywhere, but it’s not easy to set up.
Clone the repository and install packages:
git clone git@github.com:dannycho7/GitHup.git
npm install
Create a repository that will work as your storage repository on GitHub and call the folder ‘files’. Then, clone that repository into the GitHup source repository. Note: You must set up ssh access for your GitHub account.
cd GitHup
git clone git@github.com:__YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME__/__GITHUB_STORAGE_REPOSITORY_NAME__.git files
You will need to create an environment variable file named .env. There are two variables that go inside this file: the SECRET and MONGO_URI. I recommend creating the mongo server at mlab.com. Here is a sample use case with my mlab hosted mongo server:
touch .env
echo "SECRET=blahblahblahsecretkeythiscanbeanything" >> .env
echo "MONGO_URI=mongodb://<DB_USERNAME>:<DB_PASSWORD>@ds123728.mlab.com:23728/githup" >> .env
After executing the above commands your .env file should look like this:
To start the application, go into the repository and type:
npm start
Have fun.