Cloud Computing coursework
This coursework assignment was the design and implementation of a simulated Smart Speed Camera application using Microsoft Azure cloud services, specifically:
See the design here.
The Azure services are set up and configured using Python scripts. Before running these, the module
must be configured with the Microsoft Azure Service Bus and Table Account login details:
# ServiceBusService credentials
svcbus_namespace = <your namespace>
svcbus_keyname = <your namespace key name>
svcbus_keyvalue = <your namespace key value>
# TableService credentials
table_accountname = <your table account name>
table_accountkey = <your table account key>
To set up the Camera topic and subscriptions for the first time, run the Python script:
To set up the Azure table storage, run the Python script:
In addition there are a series of Python scripts that can perform simple tests to validate that the topic and subscriptions have been created correctly, by sending and consuming messages.
Before building the Smart Camera applications, the
file under src/main/resources
must be configured with the Microsoft Azure Service Bus and Table Account login details:
# Service Bus API config details
ServiceBusNamespace = <your namespace>
ServiceBusKey = <your namespace key>
Topic = cameratopic
ReceiveTimeout = 5
TableAccountName = <your table account name>
TableAccountKey = <your table account key>
The applications may then be built using Maven:
mvn clean package
After this, there is a bug in the Microsoft Azure libraries that causes a duplicate config file to be added to the jar file produced. Open the jar file and remove the smaller version of$Exports
from the META-INF\services\
To start up a Smart Camera and pass in the command line parameters camera id, street, town/city, speed limit, rate of traffic (vehicles per minute):
java -cp target\SmartCam-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar id street town speedlimit rate
To start the NoSQL Consumer worker application on a virtual machine:
java -cp target/SmartCam-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies
To start the Police Monitor worker application on a virtual machine:
java -cp target/SmartCam-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies
The queries are implemented in Python.
To query for all camera registrations use:
To query for all sightings of all priority speeding vehicles use: