Universal, customizable android app template for web-based interfaces
evaHI is Android application template which allow you to quickly build custom
Android app viewer for your mobile web application.
Of course, users can just open your web application via mobile web browser.
But evaHI provides additional features:
Your web-app will look as cool as any native Android app and your custom
viewer app can be added to Google Play Store
You can hard-code connection parameters of your web-app or users can quickly
configure it with QR codes
The app can automatically pass basic authentication forms
The app provides native navigation menu with custom icons and menu labels
Icons, menu labels and target URLs can be changed dynamically on your web-app
server so users don’t need to download application updates again and again
The app can switch URLs depending is current device mode portrait or
Customize app source:
You may either place own icons to
—icon and —icon-round (both must be specified) options for prepare
Create .evahi directory in your web server http root
Put there the following configuration file. The file should be named
config.yml, config.yaml or config.json (if JSON format is used)
serial: 1
index: /index.html
index_landscape: /landscape.html
home_icon: h.jpg
- {icon: pages/page1.png, name: Page 1, url: /page1.html}
- {icon: pages/contacts.png, name: Contacts, url: /contacts.html}
All icons should be placed in /.evahi/icons/ dir and have relative paths in
app configuration.
The app caches configuration settings and icons, but reloads them if serial
field is increased.
User can scan QR codes with settings to quickly configure the app. QR code
format is:
Fields user and password are optional.
evaHI sends username/password only if basic authentication is set up. However,
your web application may detect evaHI client (checking HTTP User-Agent =
‘evaHI …’ header) and ask it to provide authentication credentials returning:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="?"
The client will repeat HTTP request with authentication headers included.
Our EVA ICS Control Center Android app is fully
source: https://github.com/alttch/evacc/
app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.altertech.evacc