项目作者: mnabila

项目描述 :
tempat menyimpan configurasi gnu/linux !1!1!1!1! | move to
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/mnabila/dotfiles-old.git
创建时间: 2018-04-01T22:51:19Z



Dotfiles Header


Dotfiles are used to customize your system. The “dotfiles” name is derived from the configuration files in Unix-like systems that start with a dot (e.g. .bash_profile and .gitconfig). For normal users, this indicates these are not regular documents, and by default are hidden in directory listings. For power users, however, they are a core tool belt.!


Item Value
OS Manjaro 18.0 & ArchLinux
WM I3-gaps, Openbox
Shell Zsh (zimfw)
DM Lightdm, SLIM
Font Iosevka, Iosevka Nerd Font
Compositor Picom(compton fork)
Notification Dunst
Terminal URxvt, Termite, suckless terminal
Launcher rofi, dmenu, jgmenu, j4-dmenu-desktop
Bar polybar
Wallpaper feh
Lock Screen i3lock, mantablockscreen, slimlock
Logout / Shutdown script
Volume Control pulseaudio-ctl, amixer
Brightness Controller xbacklight
Network Applet nm-applet, connman-gtk
Bluetooth Applet blueman-applet
Text Editor neovim

Table of Contents

Item Value
Conky .config/conky
I3-wm .config/i3
Jgmenu .config/jgmenu
Kvantum .config/Kvantum
Ncmpcpp .ncmpcpp
Neovim init.nvim
Openbox .config/openbox
Polybar .config/polybar
Rofi .config/rofi
Rofi-tools .config/rofi-tools
Screenshot preview
Scripts ./config/scripts
Termite .config/termite
Tint2 .config/tint2
Tmux .tmux.conf
URxvt .xrdb/urxvt
Vscode vscode-settings
Wallpaper wallpaper
Xresource .Xresource .Xresource.d
Xterm .Xresources.d/xterm
Zimfw .zimrc
Zsh .zshrc



i3-gaps and polybar preview
i3-gaps preview

Tmux & neovim



zshrc and zimrc