Interactive application that demonstrates trends between mobility and Covid-19
The relationship between mobility and covid-19 during QI of 2020 was investigated. We wanted to figure out whether subsequent shutdowns have affected people’s mobility in different cities and countries around the world.
1). Copy and paste this link into your browser.
Pandas, Python, Flask, SQL, Postgres, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Plotly, Git, Github
Mobility data was extracted from Apple in a csv. Mobility scores were given out of 100 depending on how frequently transit options (walking,driving,biking), would be searched in Apple Maps.
Covid-19 data was extracted from WHO also in csv format.
-Mobility data was manipulated in pandas to be in first normal form.
Displays a comparison of mobility scores among various countries over time. We used plotly to create the graphs because we wanted the user to have dynamic interactions in the application.