项目作者: meielerol

项目描述 :
Interactive dashboard with multiple types of charts/visual data displays that change with user selected input.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/meielerol/interactive-visualizations-challenge.git


Create an interactive dashboard to explore the Belly Buttom Biodiversity dataset which catalogs the microbes that colonize human navels.

The dataset shows that there is a small set of microbial species that were present in more than 70% of people while the rest were relatively rare.


To run the website:

  • download the files
  • open the html file using a live server (otherwise information may not load correctly)

or click on this link

The HTML page code can be found here.

The JavaScript page code can be found here.

The Data JSON can be found here.

Dropdown Menu

Allows users to select the Test Subject ID they would like to see the data for.

Test Subject Dropdown Menu

Demographic Info

Summary of the Test Subject’s information if provided.

  • id
  • ethnicity
  • gender
  • age
  • location
  • bbtype
  • wfreq

Demographic Info

Top 10 OTU Bar Chart

Display the top 10 OTU’s for the Test Subject.

Top 10 OTU Bar Chart

Belly Button Washing Gauge

Display how frequently the Test Subject’s belly button gets scrubbed.

Wash Frequency Gauge

OTU Bubble Chart

Display a bubble chart of all the Test Subject’s OTU’s.

OTU Bubble Chart

About the Data

Hulcr, J. et al.(2012) A Jungle in There: Bacteria in Belly Buttons are Highly Diverse, but Predictable. Retrieved from: http://robdunnlab.com/projects/belly-button-biodiversity/results-and-data/