项目作者: kenji4569

项目描述 :
Vagrantfiles to use Docker and Docker Compose
高级语言: Ruby
项目地址: git://github.com/kenji4569/docker-vagrantfiles.git
创建时间: 2018-01-07T12:57:10Z

开源协议:MIT License


Docker Vagrantfiles

This project provides Vagrantfiles to use Docker and Docker Compose on a specific OS with the shared folder.

In the beginning, please install VirtualBox and Vagrant.

Build and Run

Copy a sample Vagrantfile for a specific OS:

  1. $ cp -f Vagrantfile.ubuntu path_to_working_dir/Vagrantfile
  2. $ cd path_to_working_dir

You may have to edit the Vagrantfile especially for config.vm.box and config.vm.network.

Start the virtual machine:

  1. $ vagrant up

For the first time, the following error may occur
/sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: No such device.
In that case, please enter the following command for that shared folder problem:

  1. $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
  2. $ vagrant vbguest
  3. $ vagrant reload

(If you got any shared folder problems, please retry the above command.)

For Mac users, please install the following plugin for file notification:

  1. $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-notify-forwarder
  2. $ vagrant reload

(Currently Windows would not support file notification)


Login to the virtual machine by the following command:

  1. $ vagrant ssh

Check the shared folder worked:

  1. $ ls -l


VM address

You can check the ip address of the VM which is configured in config.vm.network in Vagrantfile as follows:

  1. $ vagrant ssh
  2. $ ip addr | grep -E "192\.|10\.10" | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/\/.*$//'
  3. $

It would be convenient for development to set a host name for the VM IP address by editing hosts file.

  1. $ vi /etc/hosts # For mac / linux
  2. # Add this line for the VM IP address
  3. vm1.local

Now, you can access vm1.local for to access the VM.

If no ip address is shown by the above ip addr ... command, something goes wrong in your network.
An alternative way to expose internal servers is to use port forwarding.
For example, put the following setting in Vagrantfie

  1. config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 10080

then, you can access 80 port on the inside of the VM via localhost:10080 on the outside of the VM

Git SSH key

To download git repositories on the VM, you may have to set a SSH private key in ~/.ssh directory.

  1. $ cp your_ssh_private_key ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  2. $ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa # you should change the permission to `600` for ssh keys

If you already have a private key in your local on the outside of the VM,
ssh-add command can just copy it to the VM from the local.

  1. $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa # Copy the ssh key from your local on the outside of the VM

If you have no ssh key, just generate it by ssh-keygen and register the public key to the target Git system.

  1. $ ssh-keygen
  2. $ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub # Register the public key to the target Git system

Vagrant basic commands

  1. $ vagrant reload

will reload the VM with reloading Vagrantfile. If you changed Vagrantfile, execute this command.

  1. $ vagrant halt

will shutdown the VM, and

  1. $ vagrant up

will start the VM again.