Build a server certificate chain with a few bells and whistles
Create a server/client certificate chain with an intermediate, root, and certificate revocation list.
These images are primarily intended to create certificates in a CI/CD pipeline. These images can create a certificate chain and a CRL on the fly so that dummy certificates can be used for testing. Previously, we used self-signed certificates for this purpose, but ran into problems when multiple hosts needed to be created and trust one another. This solves both issues.
That being said, the certificates here are completely valid, so feel free to use them as you wish!
This repository builds four images, which can create a root certificate, intermediate certificate, server/client certificate, and a certificate bundler image so that you can bundle Java keystore files and PKCS12 files. The idea is that you can mix and match however you see fit.
The following command will produce a root, intermediate, and a server/client certificate that will be valid for one day. Adjust the ROOT_SUBJECT, INTERMEDIATE_SUBJECT, and/or SERVER_SUBJECT to fit your needs.
docker run -t -v $(pwd)/certs:/export -e ROOT_SUBJECT=/C=SE/ST=Vastra Gotaland/L=Gothenburg/O=dummy/CN=root.test -e ROOT_KEY_PASSWORD=Abcd1234 luksi1/root-certificate-builder:latest
docker run -t -v $(pwd)/certs:/export -e INTERMEDIATE_SUBJECT=/C=SE/ST=Vastra Gotaland/L=Gothenburg/O=dummy/CN=intermediate.test -e INTERMEDIATE_KEY_PASSWORD=Abcd1234 -e ROOT_KEY_PASSWORD=Abcd1234 luksi1/intermediate-certificate-builder:latest
docker run -t -v $(pwd)/certs:/export -e SERVER_SUBJECT=/C=SE/ST=Vastra Gotaland/L=Gothenburg/O=dummy/CN=dummy.test -e SERVER_KEY_PASSWORD=Abcd1234 INTERMEDIATE_KEY_PASSWORD=Abcd1234 -e luksi1/server-certificate-builder:latest
The following would produce a Java truststore with the aforementioned root and intermediate certificates, as well as a Java keystore with your server certificate and key. Additionally, a PKCS12 bundle would created.
docker run -t -v $(pwd)/certs:/export -e SERVER_NAME=dummy.test -e CREATE_TRUSTSTORE=true -e CREATE_KEYSTORE=true luksi1/certificate-bundler:latest
Set the appropriate POM “properties” variables. Additionally note the use of the user option so that you can produce a file owned by your own UID (or whatever UID you wish to own your certificate files).
<log>certificate created</log>
<log>certificate created</log>
<log>certificate created</log>
<log>bundles created</log>
You can create a root certificate with the following environment variables:
This needs need to be specified in forward slash notation, ie: /C=US/ST=New York/L=New York/CN=Acme
Default: Abcd1234
The amount of days that your root certificate will be valid
Default: 1
The file permissions for the root key file.
Default: 400
This needs need to be specified in forward slash notation, ie: /C=US/ST=New York/L=New York/CN=Acme
Default: Abcd1234
The amount of days your Certificate Revocation List will be valid.
Default: 1
The amount of days that your intermediate certificate will be valid.
Default: 1
The file permissions for the intermediate key.
Default: 400
This needs need to be specified in forward slash notation, ie: /C=US/ST=New York/L=New York/CN=Acme
Default: Abcd1234
The amount of days that your server certificate will be valid.
Default: 1
The file permissions for the server key file.
Default: 400
This image provides two functions.
The server name which will be used to create a unique P12 file under the directory pkcs12
Set to “true” to initialize a Java truststore with your intermediate and root certificates. Alternatively, you can set this to “force” to force remove the truststore first before re-creating.
If this is not set, no truststore will be initialized
Set to “true” to initialize a Java keystore with your server certificates key pair. Alternatively, you can set this to “force” to force remove the keystore first before re-creating.
If this is not set, no keystore will be initialized.
The path to the root certificate. This will be used to insert the root certificate into the truststore.
Default: /export/certs/root.crt
The path to the intermediate certificate. This will be used to insert the root certificate into the truststore.
Default: /export/certs/intermediate.crt
The Java truststore password.
Default: Abcd1234
The Java keystore password.
Default: Abcd1234
The server’s certificate key password. The default is no password.
Default: empty
The alias name of the root certificate in the truststore.
Default: root
The alias name of the intermediate certificate in the truststore.
Default: intermediate
The alias name of the server certificate in the keystore.
Default: server
The file path to your Java keystore file.
Default: /export/jks/keystore.jks
The file path to your PKCS12 file. This will be the PKCS12 file for your server certificate.
Default: /export/pkcs12/
The file permissions for the Java truststore.
Default: 600
The file permissions for the Java keystore.
Default: 600
The file permissions for the PKCS12 file.
Default: 400