项目作者: frankiechapson

项目描述 :
Oracle APEX Plugin
高级语言: PLSQL
项目地址: git://github.com/frankiechapson/Year-Planner-Calendar.git
创建时间: 2018-05-23T09:16:45Z




This is an Oracle APEX Region Plug-in


This region plug-in displays a full year view calendar.
For example like this:


Exe version

It has an exe version for Windows, programmed in Delphi many years ago:


There are two ways to define day types:

Leave as it is -> Default pattern

In this case Saturday and Sunday will be “E” type which means “Weekend” and other days will be “W” type what means “Workday”

Optionally define day types and write over, change the default pattern.

To do this, you have to create some tables and views. The script of them is in “CA_Install Simple.sql” file. The “simple” means here, that is a Gregorian, and single user calendar.
After the Database objects have created, you can define different types of days in CA_DAY_TYPES table.
You can specify the default types for days of a week in CA_WEEK_DAYS table.
And you can overwrite the default pattern of day types in the CA_CALENDAR_DAY_CHANGES table. That is all!

How to use plug-in?


This is a region plug-in.
The plug-in has only one additional attribute: Year
This is a text field and you can specify constant, or any SQL expression. The YEAR attribute string will evaluate in a “select YEAR from dual” where YEAR is the attribute.
If you refer a page item, you have to submit first (with a “null;” pl/sql block for example)
Since this is pl/sql based region plug-in, you can refresh it only with page submit.


The plug-in uses the following CSS classes:
The base is CSS of IRR.

  • table: a-IRR-table YPC-Table YPC-Year-yyyy (where yyyy it the Year attr.)
  • first header column (Year) th: a-IRR-header YPC-Header-Year
  • additional header columns (Day Names) th: a-IRR-header YPC-Header-Day-dd YPC-Header-Column-cc (where dd is the day name eg: Mo, Su … cc is the column number 01-37)
  • month rows: tr: YPC-Month-mm (where mm is the month number)
  • 1st col of month rows: td: YPC-Month-mm YPC-Column-00 (where mm is the month number)
  • additional cols of month rows if the cell is empty: td: YPC-Empty YPC-Month-mm YPC-Column-cc (where mm is the month number and cc is the column number 01-37)
  • additional cols of month rows if the cell is a day: td: YPC-Month-mm YPC-Column-cc YPC-Orig-Day-Code-ddd YPC-Orig-Day-Type-x YPC-New-Day-Code-ddd YPC-New-Day-Type-x (where mm is the month number, ddd is the day CODE from CA_WEEK_DAYS, x is the week day type CODE from CA_DAY_TYPES and cc is the column number 01-37)
  • Today additional class is: YPC-Today

So, you can define formats in the inline CSS part of the page. For example:

  1. .YPC-New-Day-Type-W {
  2. background-color: #F0FFFF !important;
  3. }
  4. .YPC-New-Day-Type-E {
  5. background-color: #C9C9C9 !important;
  6. }
  7. .YPC-Empty {
  8. background-color: #F9F9F9 !important;
  9. }
  10. td.YPC-Column-00 {
  11. font-weight:bold !important;
  12. }
  13. td.YPC-Today {
  14. background-color: #2578CF !important;
  15. color: #FFFFFF !important;
  16. font-weight:bold !important;
  17. }