Download the latest release from release page.
.NET Framework 4.8 or higher, Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86) .
Enable System Proxy
menu to enable system proxy. Please disable otherServers -> Edit Servers
and geositeProxiedGroups
is initialized with cn
and geolocation-!cn@cn
is initialized with geolocation-!cn
property in gui-config.json
is false (default), PAC works in whitelist mode. Exception rules are generated from geositeDirectGroups
. Unmatched domains goes through the proxy.geositePreferDirect
is true, PAC works in blacklist mode. Blocking rules are generated from geositeProxiedGroups
. Exception rules are generated from geositeDirectGroups
. Unmatched domains are connected to directly.user-rule.txt
directly. But your modifications won’t persist after updating geosite from the upstream.For Windows10 Store and related applications, please execute the following command under Admin privilege:
netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie
Availability Statistics
in the menu if you want to use thisFor UDP, you need to use SocksCap or ProxyCap to force programs you want
to be proxied to tunnel over Shadowsocks
If you want to manage multiple servers using other tools like SwitchyOmega,
you can start multiple Shadowsocks instances. To avoid configuration conflicts,
copy Shadowsocks to a new directory and choose a different local port.
If you would like to connect to server via a plugin, please set the plugin’s
path (relative or absolute) on Edit Servers form.
Note: Forward Proxy will not be used while a plugin is enabled.
Working with non SIP003 standard Plugin.
Hotkeys could be registered automatically on startup.
If you are using multiple instances of Shadowsocks,
you must set different key combination for each instance.
Please visit Servers for more information.
Caseless.Fody (MIT) https://github.com/Fody/Caseless
Costura.Fody (MIT) https://github.com/Fody/Costura
Fody (MIT) https://github.com/Fody/Fody
GlobalHotKey (GPLv3) https://github.com/kirmir/GlobalHotKey
MdXaml (MIT) https://github.com/whistyun/MdXaml
Newtonsoft.Json (MIT) https://www.newtonsoft.com/json
ReactiveUI.WPF (MIT) https://github.com/reactiveui/ReactiveUI
ReactiveUI.Events.WPF (MIT) https://github.com/reactiveui/ReactiveUI
ReactiveUI.Fody (MIT) https://github.com/reactiveui/ReactiveUI
ReactiveUI.Validation (MIT) https://github.com/reactiveui/ReactiveUI.Validation
WPFLocalizationExtension (MS-PL) https://github.com/XAMLMarkupExtensions/WPFLocalizationExtension/
ZXing.Net (Apache 2.0) https://github.com/micjahn/ZXing.Net
libsscrypto (GPLv2) https://github.com/shadowsocks/libsscrypto
Privoxy (GPLv2) https://www.privoxy.org
Sysproxy () https://github.com/Noisyfox/sysproxy