Extract your data from the Yunmai weighing scales cloud API so you can use it elsewhere
NOTE: As the API is now HTTPS (in 2022), this code doesn’t work, and is unlikely to ever work, unless Yunmai opens up their API.
The Yunmai weighing scales is an impressive inexpensive smart scales with Bluetooth. I bought mine from GearBest. If you install their app on your phone, it will connect to the scales and save all of your data, each time you weigh yourself.
Whilst it isn’t obvious, Yunmai is also saving all of your data to their Cloud. Unfortunately they have no webapp for accessing this data and no way for you to dump it out either.
This App will access that data on their API and save it in various formats locally and optionally on Google Sheets for you to re-use elsewhere.
git clone https://github.com/conoro/yunmai-data-extract
cd yunmai-data-extract
npm install
rename conf-sample.toml to conf.toml
Install and run a packet sniffing App like Packet Capture by Grey Shirts on your Android phone
userId = userId variable from requests
code = code variable from requests
token = token variable from requests
node index.js
You don’t have to run it every day, just whenever you want a data dump from the Yunmai
If you want to save to Google Sheets, do the following:
as the Authorized redirect URIsDate format is proper European. Americans can edit the code to suit themselves ;-)
If the Yunmai code/token ever expires (you’ll see errors when you run index.js) then you can easily get new ones by re-running Packet Capture