✉️ Golang bindings for the Postmark API
postmark-go is a Go client library for accessing the Postmark API (http://developer.postmarkapp.com/).
This is an unofficial library that is not affiliated with Postmark. Official libraries are available
The signature of NewClient
has changed. It now accepts options, one of which can be a custom HTTP client. Please pin to an older version if required.
go get -u github.com/mattevans/postmark-go
You’ll need to pass an SERVER_API_TOKEN
when initializing the client. This token can be
found under the ‘Credentials’ tab of your Postmark server. More info here.
client := postmark.NewClient(
Transport: &postmark.AuthTransport{Token: "SERVER_API_TOKEN"},
emailReq := &postmark.Email{
From: "mail@company.com",
To: "jack@sparrow.com",
TemplateID: 123456,
TemplateModel: map[string]interface{}{
"name": "Jack",
"action_url": "http://click.company.com/welcome",
Tag: "onboarding",
TrackOpens: true,
Metadata: map[string]string{
"client-id": "123456",
"client-ip": "",
email, response, err := client.Email.Send(emailReq)
if err != nil {
return err
emailReq := &postmark.Email{
From: "mail@company.com",
To: "jack@sparrow.com",
Subject: "My Test Email",
HtmlBody: "<html><body><strong>Hello</strong> dear Postmark user.</body></html>",
TextBody: "Hello dear Postmark user",
Tag: "onboarding",
TrackOpens: true,
Metadata: map[string]string{
"client-id": "123456",
"client-ip": "",
email, response, err := client.Email.Send(emailReq)
if err != nil {
return err
At the moment only a handful of the more common endpoints have been implemented. Open an
issue (or PR) if you required something that’s missing.
The packages’s architecture is adapted from
go-github, created by Will